
Let's say I have a form with a button on it. When I press the button, a messagebox pops up saying 'Hi.' Now let's say a user has this application installed on their computer via the installation project. My question is, how can I create an 'updated' app to overwrite information on the app they already have (for instance, from v1 to v1.2)? For practice purposes, the updated app would make the messagebox show 'Wow!' instead of 'Hi.' Thanks.

Are you asking how to check for version information? If so, are you asking how to check it inside the application, or inside the setup/install?

Yes, how would I check for the version information inside of the application itself? And when the application finds an updated version, it will update itself.

Yes, how would I check for the version information inside of the application itself? And when the application finds an updated version, it will update itself.

String strVersion = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

The version information it obtains is setup inside: AssemblyInfo.cs

Thanks bud :P

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