Hey All

I'm having a tad of trouble with a couple of WCF services I've built, and it's with LINQ. Having written the service, which uses LINQ to SQL classes, I am now trying to test it. Now the Service builds perfectly, but Whenever I try to use any of its functions, I get a null pointer exception. This occurs the moment I try to instantiate my DataContext. Does anyone have any idea why this might be going on? Any help?


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Here is a very good article,
Linq to REST

ADO.NET Data Services Team Blog

SUMMARY: To query an ADO.NET Data Service from a .NET application, the client library supports constructing queries against remote data services using LINQ. In essence the library provides a strongly typed query experience via LINQ, where each LINQ query is translated by the library to HTTP URIs of the target data service, thus enabling "LINQ to ADO.NET Data Services".

Hey thanks

But I was just being incredibly stupid... Using LINQ to SQL classes in the service doesn't actually give problems... only my soft brain does

Thanks though

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