I posted earlier for help with this and someone gave me a good clue and I worked with it but I am still boggled. I have been working on a couple different ways to accomplish this but have come up with nothing right yet. I am close but still need help. I need to be able to take the element one at a time out of an array and add them to a start time and then push them onto the queue. I know how but just can't figure out why it is not working. I thought the last code I made did it but when executed it just kept outputing the same numbers. The appts start at 10:00 am and then add each successive element in the array to the start time for each appt. Here is the code if anyone can help please I could use it. Thanks.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <queue>
#include "d_time24.h"
#include "d_except.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
	time24 startTime;
	time24 endTime;
	const int APPTLISTSIZE = 10;
	queue<time24> apptQ;
	int apptList[] = {45, 75, 60, 90, 15, 25, 40, 30, 35, 45};
	time24 t(10,00);	
	apptQ.push(t);//inserts t as the first appointment in the queue
	/*for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
			startTime = apptQ.front();
			endTime = startTime + apptList[ i];
	for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
			apptQ.push(apptQ.front() + apptList[ i]);

			for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
			cout << "Appt " << i+1 << " Start " << apptQ.front() << " End "  << apptQ.front() + apptList[ i]	 << " Length " << apptList[ i] <<endl;
	return 0;

Code tags added. -Narue

First, please use code tags whenever posting code. Otherwise any formatting is lost and it's much harder to read. Second, you still haven't shown us how time24 is defined. That's very important if we're going to help you solve your problem.

Feel free to post the contents of d_time24.h (using code tags of course).

I hope this does what you want with the code tags. I have never heard of or used these before. If this doesn't do what you want please explain. As for the time24 class here it is. It is just code given from the book. Is there a way just to attach a file instead of doing it this way?

#ifndef TIME24_CLASS
#define TIME24_CLASS

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "d_except.h"	// for rangeError exception

using namespace std;

#ifdef _MSC_VER

class time24;

time24 operator+ (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs);
time24 operator+ (const time24& lhs, int min);
time24 operator+ (int min,	const time24& rhs);
time24 operator- (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs);

bool operator== (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs);
bool operator<  (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs);
istream& operator>> (istream& istr, time24 &r);
ostream& operator<< (ostream& ostr, const time24& r);

#endif	// _MSC_VER

class time24
      time24(int h = 0, int m = 0);
	      // constructor initializes hour and minute

      void addTime(int m);
			// update time by adding m minutes to the current time
			// Precondition:  m must be >= 0 
			// Postcondition: The new time is m minutes later 

		time24 duration(const time24& t);
      	// return the length of time from the current time to some later
			// time t as a time24 value
			// Precondition:  time t must not be earlier than the current time.
			// if it is, throw a rangeError exception

      void readTime();
			// input from the keyboard time in the form hh:mm
			// Postcondition: Assign value hh to hour and mm to minute and 
			// adjust units to the proper range.

      void writeTime() const;
			// display on the screen the current time in the form hh:mm

      int getHour() const;
			// return the hour value for the current time
      int getMinute() const;
			// return the minute value for the current time


		friend bool operator== (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs);

      friend bool operator<  (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs);

      friend time24 operator+ (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs);
			// form and return lhs + rhs
      friend time24 operator+ (const time24& lhs, int min);
			// form and return lhs + min
			// Precondition:  min must be >= 0 
      friend time24 operator+ (int min, const time24& rhs);
			// form and return min + rhs
			// Precondition:  min must be >= 0 
      friend time24 operator- (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs);
			// form and return lhs - rhs
			// Precondition: lhs >= rhs. if not, throw a rangeError exception
      time24& operator+= (const time24& rhs);
			// current object = current object + rhs
			// Postcondition: the time increases by the value of rhs
      time24& operator+= (int min);
			// current object = current object + min
			// Precondition:  min must be >= 0 
			// Postcondition: the time increases by min minutes

      friend istream& operator>> (istream& istr, time24& t);
			// input t in the format hh:mm. may omit the leading digit
			// if hours or minutes < 10
      friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& ostr, const time24& t);
			// output t in the format hh:mm. always include two digits
			// for the minute (e.g. 15:07). hours before 12 use 1 digit
			// and precede the hour by a blank (e.g. " 7:15")

      int hour, minute;	// data members

		// utility function sets the hour value in the range 0 to 23
		// and the minute value in the range 0 to 50
		void normalizeTime();     

// ***********************************************************
//      time24 class implementation
// ***********************************************************

// set minute and hour within their proper ranges
void  time24::normalizeTime()
   int extraHours = minute / 60;

   // set minute in range 0 to 59
   minute %= 60;

   // update hour. set in range 0 to 23
   hour = (hour + extraHours) % 24;
// constructor. initialize time data
time24::time24(int h, int m) : hour(h), minute(m)
   // put hour and minute in correct range

// add m minutes to the time
void time24::addTime(int m)
   // add m to minute. minute may exceed 59, so normalize
   minute += m;

time24 time24::duration(const time24& t)
	// convert current time and time t to minutes
	int currTime = hour * 60 + minute;
	int tTime = t.hour * 60 + t.minute;

	// if t is earlier than the current time, throw an exception
	if (tTime < currTime)
		throw rangeError(
			"time24 duration(): argument is an earlier time");
		// create an anonymous object as the return value
		return time24(0, tTime-currTime);

void time24::readTime()
   char colonSeparator;

   cin >> hour >> colonSeparator >> minute;
   // make sure hour and minute are in range

// output time in the format <hour>:<minute>
void time24::writeTime() const
	// the implementation uses stream handling functions
	// not discussed in the book. consult your compiler
	// help system for details

   // save current format flags and fill character
   long currentFlags = cout.flags();
   char currentFill = cout.fill();

   // set fill char to ' ' and enable right justification
   cout.fill(' ');

   // output the hour
   cout << setw(2) << hour << ':';

   // set fill char to '0' and output the minute
   cout << setw(2) << minute << "  ";

   // restore the fill char and the format flags

int time24::getHour() const
   return hour;

int time24::getMinute() const
   return minute;

// compare hours and minutes
bool operator== (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs)
	return lhs.hour == rhs.hour && lhs.minute == rhs.minute;

// convert the hour and minute values for each operand to 
// minutes. compare lhs in minutes with rhs in minutes 
bool operator<  (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs)
	return (lhs.hour*60 + lhs.minute) < (rhs.hour*60 + rhs.minute);

// create an anonymous object with hour = lhs.hour + rhs.hour 
// and minute = lhs.minute+rhs.minute.
time24 operator+ (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs)
	return time24(lhs.hour+rhs.hour, lhs.minute+rhs.minute);

// create an anonymous object with hour = lhs.hour and  
// minute = lhs.minute + min.
time24 operator+ (const time24& lhs, int min){
	return time24(lhs.hour, lhs.minute + min);

// return the value rhs + min that is computed by
//    time24 operator+ (const time24& lhs, int min)
time24 operator+ (int min, const time24& rhs)
	return rhs + min; 

// using the < operator, check whether lhs < rhs is true. if so
// terminate; otherwise return a time24 result built
// using the constructor
time24 operator- (const time24& lhs, const time24& rhs)
	if (lhs < rhs)
		throw rangeError("time24 operator-: Cannot subtract later from earlier time");

	// convert each object to minutes and compute the
	// difference in minutes. return the time24 object
	// having 0 as hours and the value of the difference
	// as minutes
	return time24(0, (lhs.hour*60 + lhs.minute) -
						  (rhs.hour*60 + rhs.minute));

// implement += by using addition with operands *this and rhs
time24& time24::operator+= (const time24& rhs)
	// add *this and rhs using overloaded + operator
	*this = *this + rhs;

   // return a reference to the current object
	return *this;

// implement += by using addition with operands *this and min
time24& time24::operator+= (int min)
	// add *this and min using overloaded + operator
	*this = *this + min;

   // return a reference to the current object
   return *this;

// overload stream operator >>. input has the form
//   hour:minute 
istream& operator>> (istream& istr, time24& t)
   char separatorChar;

   istr >> t.hour >> separatorChar >> t.minute;
   // make sure hour and minute are in range

   // return the stream
   return istr;
// overload stream operator <<. output in the form
//   hour:minute 
ostream& operator<< (ostream& ostr, const time24& t)
	// the implementation uses stream handling functions
	// not discussed in the book. consult your compiler
	// help system for details

   // save current format flags and fill character
   long currentFlags = ostr.flags();
   char currentFill = ostr.fill();

   // set fill char to ' ' and enable right justification
   ostr.fill(' ');

   // output the hour
   ostr << setw(2) << t.hour << ':';

   // set fill char to '0' and output the minute
   ostr << setw(2) << t.minute;

   // restore the fill char and the format flags

   return ostr;

#endif   // TIME24_CLASS

>I hope this does what you want with the code tags.
That's perfect, thank you. :)

>apptQ.push(apptQ.front() + apptList[ i]);
Okay, rule #1 for abstract containers: Don't assume anything except the basic operations. In other words for queue<T>: push, pop, top, empty and size. front is not an accessible member function according to the standard. Try this:

apptQ.push(apptQ.top() + apptList[i]);

And anywhere you use front in the code, change it to top. That should get you going.

>I hope this does what you want with the code tags.
That's perfect, thank you. :)

>apptQ.push(apptQ.front() + apptList[ i]);
Okay, rule #1 for abstract containers: Don't assume anything except the basic operations. In other words for queue<T>: push, pop, top, empty and size. front is not an accessible member function according to the standard. Try this:

apptQ.push(apptQ.top() + apptList[i]);

And anywhere you use front in the code, change it to top. That should get you going.

I did try this but I came up with three errors when put into the compiler. By the way I am using Visual C++ 6.0, and the book only gives the operators empty, front, pop, push, and size to use in a queue. So when I put the top operator in it gave the errors. So you say that I have the math right? Shouldn't I have a way to get the starting time out everytime before doing the math to get a new ending time. Since everytime you run the code for each appointment the two (start, end) times should be changing. Thanks for the help.

error C2039: 'top' : is not a member of 'queue<class time24,class std::deque<class time24,class std::allocator<class time24> > >'
error C2039: 'top' : is not a member of 'queue<class time24,class std::deque<class time24,class std::allocator<class time24> > >'
error C2039: 'top' : is not a member of 'queue<class time24,class std::deque<class time24,class std::allocator<class time24> > >'
Error executing cl.exe.

>I did try this but I came up with three errors when put into the compiler.
That was my mistake. I had a really big brain fart. It is front, not top. Let's start over. ;)


for (int i = 0; i < APPTLISTSIZE; i++) {
  t += apptList[i];
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