I NEED TO creat a small win form aplication in c# that will allow me to send a sms over internet to a specific phone number given by me.
can i do this and how can i do this

In such applications you need to have SMS provider, which provides you with webservice to call some method i.e pass text and cell phone number and the provider sends the SMS

There is an EASY way. all cell phone companies provide a EMAIL to TXT gateway. So if you look it up, example ATT's is the 10 digit phone number followed by @txt.att.net.

Then you just send an email to that address and it sends a text message. Very handy. I use it on my website so visitors can send me text messages.

thank you..and i wil try.and cant u show me a sample code of that sms sending program

thank you..and i wil try.and cant u show me a sample code of that sms sending program

Well the code on my server is in classic ASP, and won't help you in a desktop application. Then only problem with sending Email is you have to have a SMTP server to make use of, a paid email account from about anywhere will work.

just Google for how to send an email with C# and you will get a million hits. and use ##########@txt.att.net for the to address and it will send as a text message to that #.

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