I am creating an automation tool, to stop users messing with files, the thing is, my tool needs to work with an ini file which doesnt yet exist...

heres how i create the ini file...

String iniPath = @"C:\test.ini";

that sets me up with my ini file... the thing is, its obviously blank and has no keys etc.

i need to populate it with the following information...

#redirect to production store
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      const string fName = @"C:\file.txt";
      string txt = @"#redirect to production store" + Environment.NewLine +
                         @"SDPORT=BGIT-SDIRLAUTO:4086" + Environment.NewLine +
      if (System.IO.File.Exists(fName))
      System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\File.txt", txt);

Thankyou, That was perfect!

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