this is a java code, i need to convert it into C.

private void addFrame (int toAdd) {
int[ ] frameScores = new int[0];
totalScore = totalScore + toAdd;
if (frameScores.length < lastFrameNumber) {
int [ ] temp = new int [frameScores.length+1];
for (int k=0; k<frameScores.length; k++) {
temp[k] = frameScores[k];
temp[frameScores.length] = totalScore;
frameScores = temp;

im having problem with

frameScores = temp

it is throwing a incompatible types errors

here is my C code

void addFrame(int toAdd)
         totalScore = totalScore + toAdd;
         if (sizeof(frameScores) < lastFrameNumber) {
            int temp[sizeof(frameScores)+1];
            for (int k=0; k<sizeof(frameScores); k++) 
                temp[k] = frameScores[k];
            temp[sizeof(frameScores)] = totalScore;
            frameScores = temp;

Java is derived from C. You can use dynamic memory allocation.

How is frameScores declared?

How is frameScores declared?

it is declared as an integer array. Same as temp.

>>int temp[sizeof(frameScores)+1];
That line is wrong. If frameScores is declared as int frameScores[5] then the above declaration will create an array of 5*sizeof(int) = 20+1 elements. What you want is 6 elements, so the line should be int temp[sizeof((frameScores)/sizeof(frameScores[0]))+1]; Well that will correct that line, but it still will not correct the line frameScores = temp; because the two arrays are not the same size.

>>int temp[sizeof(frameScores)+1];
That line is wrong. If frameScores is declared as int frameScores[5] then the above declaration will create an array of 5*sizeof(int) = 20+1 elements. What you want is 6 elements, so the line should be int temp[sizeof((frameScores)/sizeof(frameScores[0]))+1]; Well that will correct that line, but it still will not correct the line frameScores = temp; because the two arrays are not the same size.

thank you. any suggestion on how i could correct it?

If you are attempting to add a new element to frameScores array, such as increase its size from 5 to 6 elements, then make frameScores a pointer and reallocate its size.

int* frameScores= {0};
int frameSize = 0; // size of frameScores
int totalScore = 0;
int lastFrameNumber = 0;

void addFrame(int toAdd)
         totalScore = totalScore + toAdd;
         if (frameSize < lastFrameNumber) 
            frameScores = (int *)realloc(frameScores,(frameSize+1) * sizeof(int));
            frameScores[frameSize] = totalScore;

int main()

If you are attempting to add a new element to frameScores array, such as increase its size from 5 to 6 elements, then make frameScores a pointer and reallocate its size.

int* frameScores= {0};
int frameSize = 0; // size of frameScores
int totalScore = 0;
int lastFrameNumber = 0;

void addFrame(int toAdd)
         totalScore = totalScore + toAdd;
         if (frameSize < lastFrameNumber) 
            frameScores = (int *)realloc(frameScores,(frameSize+1) * sizeof(int));
            frameScores[frameSize] = totalScore;

int main()

this is what i was trying to convert, the last page where the java code is

the framescore was declared as private with and it size is int[0]. I am new to java, and so far i was able to convert probably around 85% of the code, i was stuck with this part wherein the array from temp is being transfered into framescores.

and if you might find it interesting, here's my C code


const int ROLLING_FIRST_BALL = 0;
const int STRIKE_LAST_BALL =2;
const int TWO_CONSEC_STRIKE =3;
const int STRIKE_2_BALLS_AGO =4;
const int SPARE_LAST_BALL =5;

class Scorer{
	int rollingFrame;
	int totalScore;
	int frameScores[];
	int state;
	int firstBallInFrame;
	int lastFrameNumber;
	void addFrame(int toAdd)
         totalScore = totalScore + toAdd;
         if (sizeof(frameScores) < lastFrameNumber) {
            int temp[sizeof(frameScores)+1];
            for (int k=0; k<sizeof(frameScores); k++) 
                temp[k] = frameScores[k];
            temp[sizeof(frameScores)] = totalScore;
            frameScores = temp;
	Scorer(int frameCount){
               lastFrameNumber = frameCount;
               rollingFrame = 1;
	           totalScore = 0;
   	           state = ROLLING_FIRST_BALL;
	int frameNumber( )
        if (sizeof(frameScores) == lastFrameNumber) {
               return lastFrameNumber+1;// game is over
        } else if (rollingFrame > lastFrameNumber) {
               return lastFrameNumber;// we're in last frame
        } else {
               return rollingFrame;
	int scoreSoFar(){
        if(sizeof(frameScores) == lastFrameNumber)
            return frameScores[lastFrameNumber-1];
		    return totalScore;
    bool gameIsOver(){
         return frameNumber() > lastFrameNumber;
    int *roll (int ball)
        if(state == ROLLING_FIRST_BALL)
                 if(ball == 10)
                       state = STRIKE_LAST_BALL;
                       firstBallInFrame = ball;
        }else if(state == ROLLING_SECOND_BALL)
              if(firstBallInFrame + ball == 10)
                 state = SPARE_LAST_BALL;
                   addFrame(firstBallInFrame + ball);
                   state = ROLLING_FIRST_BALL;
        }else if(state==SPARE_LAST_BALL)
              addFrame(10 + ball);
              if(ball == 10) 
                      state = STRIKE_LAST_BALL;
                    firstBallInFrame = ball;
                    state = ROLLING_SECOND_BALL;
        }else if(state == STRIKE_LAST_BALL)
                     state = TWO_CONSEC_STRIKE;
                      firstBallInFrame = ball;
                      state = STRIKE_2_BALLS_AGO;
        else if(state == TWO_CONSEC_STRIKE)
               addFrame(20 + ball);
               if(ball == 10)
                       firstBallInFrame = ball;
                       state = STRIKE_2_BALLS_AGO;
        else if(state == STRIKE_2_BALLS_AGO)
                addFrame(10 + firstBallInFrame + ball);
                if(firstBallInFrame + ball == 10)
                         totalScore = totalScore + firstBallInFrame + ball;
                         addFrame(firstBallInFrame + ball);
                         state = ROLLING_FIRST_BALL;
         //invalid state: state
    return frameScores;
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