I am inclined to suspect that Borland C++ compiler 5.02 is seemingly full of bugs. Even though my C++ codes could be bug free, it reported External errors on compiling and failed to create an EXE file to run.
Thanks to Mr. Salem, I have successfully compiled the above codes using the new and free C++ compiler CODE::BLOCK8.02 suggested by him in another thread. The program now works as it is supposed to work, except for the part on string to numeric conversion.
I still encounter problem with conversion of string variable to numeric variable using strtof() function call. It seems that that function requires a char instead of string for the conversion. Is it possible then to assign the values of a string variable to a char variable and use that function for conversion?
Is there any other way to do the conversion of a string to numeric variable?
The problematic part has been remarked out to prevent failure in compiling the codes.
// convert string to numeric variable
// weight = strtod(concate,&endptr);
Could somebody please help?
// inkey-Working by YBM
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
string spaz(int,string);
string datainp(string,int);
void msg() {cout << "\nPress Esc to Exit, Any other key to continue."; }
void presskey()
cout << "\n\nAny other key to continue.";
// cin.get();
// system("CLS");
void msg2()
cout << "\n// INPUT TYPE CONTROL";
cout << "\n// ------------------";
cout << "\n// Weight Condition 3 Numbers and decimals only ";
cout << "\n\n";
char *endptr;
double weight;
std::string sweight;
int xc=0;
int condi;
std::string xcon;
char xconcate;
int getche(void);
int main(void)
const char* xconcate;
string efield="";
// Weight Condition 3 Numbers and decimals only
cout << "\n Validated Numbers and decimal, Weight: " << sweight << endl;
return 0;
// Data Entry subroutine
string datainp(string efield,int condi)
int xcond=condi;
int c;
int extended = 0;
std::string concate = "";
cout << "\nCondition :" << condi << endl;
cout << "\n\n Enter "<< efield << ": ";
c = getche();
if (c==27) { break; }
char inp=c; // assign char from ASCII code Backspace's ASCII code is 8
if (!c)
extended = getche();
if (extended) { }
else if (condi==3) { // Only Numbers and decimal allowed
if ((c >=48 && c <=57) || (c>=46 && c<=46))
concate += inp; // string concatenation.. The character isn't extended
else { concate=spaz(c,concate);}
} while (c != 13); // ascii 13 is <enter> or <carriage return>
int len = concate.length();
cout << "\n String length =" << len << " chars" << endl;
if (condi==3) // Coversion from string to numeric.
cout << "\n Weight entered as string = " << concate;
// convert string to numeric variable
// weight = strtod(concate,&endptr);
cout <<"\n\n strtod(concate,&endptr) Conversion from string to number is not working.. \n Test weight is numeric, weight*10 = " << weight*10 << " " << endl;
return concate;
} // main terminate
string spaz(int xc,string xconcate)
if (xc !=8) // not backspace
cout << "\x08";
int len = xconcate.length();
if (len >0)
cout << " ";
cout << "\x08";
cout << " ";
return xconcate;