How would I make a "computer reservation system" for public computers?
Step 1: Enter PIN at Reservation Computer
(if pin is valid go to step 2 else back to step one)
Step 2: Select SEATED or STAND UP computer
Step 3: Select OK for earliest reservation or CANCEL
(if cancel go back to Step 1)
Step 4: Go to reserved computer and enter PIN
rule1: you need a valib pin
rule2: you can only reserver 1 computer at a time
rule3: 2 or more people cannot have same computer reserved at the same time
rule4: you have 10 minutes to log in at computer after time of reserved
rule5: initial reservation last for 45 minutes
rule6: if computer has not been reserved by someone else then extend reservation time by 30 minutes 5 minutes before reservation expires
rule7: if computer has been reserved by someone else before the last 5 minutes then log off user at the end of the session
How do you make this work, like i mean REALLY work (i.e. how do i got from code to implementation)?
How do put a "counter/clock" on your screen that shows the user how much time they have left?
Also, the will be an administrator computer that can cancel/make reservations and provide realtime "reservation activity" as far as:
1. What computers are available or in use
2. Who is on what computer and who has what computer reservered
3. reservation times and total session times
Note: I will try to post a visual (floor plan) of what I am talking about!