Hey i have this homework problem that i can't seem to solve.
i have already did the rest of the program but i have to change the output of this program but i can't seem to make it work.
the output they want is..
Home Owner Price of Home Seller's Cost Agent's Commission
(assuming that the user entered 100000 for the price of the house)
this is what i had:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
cout << left;
cout << setw(10) << "Home Owner"
<< setw(10) << "Price of Home"
<< setw(10) << "Seller's Cost"
<< setw(10) << "Agent's Commission"
<< endl;
cout << right;
cout << setfill('*')
cout << fixed << showpoint
cout << setprecision(2)
cout << setw(10) << seller
<< setw(10) << price
<< setw(10) << cost
<< setw(10) << commission
<< endl;
thank-you in advance