I am trying to create an inventory GUI display for scool. I have this GUI class as part of a 4 class program. For some reason I thought that the last lines created buttons yet this program lacks them. I also hav problems having my main call the GUI to display, appearently it takes more than having [CDGui myGui = new CDGui();] in main. here is the GUI, can anyone tell me what I am missing?
* Class to create Graphic user interface
* to display inventory
// impotr GUI classes for program useage
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
* @author vincent herrmann
public class CDGui extends JFrame
//variables for GUI
private JLabel label1;
private JButton button1;
private JLabel label2;
private JLabel label3;
private JLabel label4;
private JLabel label5;
private JTextField ProductCode;
private JTextField CDtitle;
private JTextField Restock;
private JTextField TotalValue;
private JButton button2;
* Required designer variable.
private int length = 5;
private int index = 0;
private String cdname = null;
private double productcode = 0;
private double price = 0;
private double inventory = 0;
private double productValue = 0;
private CDNames compactdisc[]= new CDNames[5];
private JTextField Quantity;
private JLabel label6;
private JTextField TextField1;
//variables for GUI
private JTextField textField1;
private JTextField textField2;
private JTextField textField3;
private JTextField textField4;
private JTextField textField5;
private JButton nextButton;
private JButton previousButton;
// GUI constructor
public CDGui(CDNames[] cdInventory, int index)
super( "C.D. Inventory");
this.compactdisc = cdInventory;
setLayout( new GridLayout());
//create textfield with 2 columns
textField1 = new JTextField( 2 );
add( textField1 );
//print out data
textField2 = new JTextField( "C.D. Title"+ compactdisc[index].getCdName() );
add( textField2 );
textField3= new JTextField( "price "+compactdisc[index].getCdPrice() );
textField4 = new JTextField("restock cost"+ compactdisc[index].getRestockValue() );
add( textField4 );
textField5 = new JTextField( "total value"+ compactdisc[index].totalvalue());
add( textField5 );
}// end constructor
public CDGui()
// TO DO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
//openfile for icon picture box
// array set up
//CDNames compactdisc[] = new CDNames[5];
double temp;
temp = 10.99 * 1.05;
compactdisc[0] = new CDNames( "Beatles", 10.99, 50, 12345,temp);
temp = 10.99 * 1.05;
compactdisc[1] = new CDNames( "Bread", 10.99, 30, 12346,temp);
temp = 10.99 * 1.05;
compactdisc[2] = new CDNames( "Fleetwood Mac", 10.99, 30, 12347,temp);
temp = 10.99 * 1.05;
compactdisc[3] = new CDNames( "Heart", 10.99, 25, 12348,temp);
temp = 10.99 * 1.05;
compactdisc[4] = new CDNames( "Vanhalen", 10.99, 40, 12349,temp);
cdname = compactdisc[0].getCDName();
productcode = compactdisc[0].getcdProductCode();
price = compactdisc[0].getCdPrice();
inventory = compactdisc[0].getcdinventory();
nextButton = new JButton ("next");
add (nextButton);// adds to jframe
previousButton = new JButton ("previous");
add (previousButton); // add to jframe
}// end class CDGui