Hi all. I am currently writing a large number class and was curious if I should use a template. I am setting up my constructors and I have one for a string and i was thinking i could use a template for a constructor so it can take in an int, float, double, etc. instead of writing a constructor for each type.

template<typename T>
       Number(T);  // cover for built in number data types

I'm thinking this will make writing the code easier but I'm not sure if this will have unexpected consequences down the line. besides the fact some one could try and put a dog into the Number.

Yes, use template.

You could use template specialization, to make sure that the template
parameters is a number.

Here is a way to do that :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<typename Type>
struct is_numeric { static const int i = 0; };

//Template specilization
template<> struct is_numeric<short>				{ static const int i = 1; };
template<> struct is_numeric<unsigned short>	{ static const int i = 1; };
template<> struct is_numeric<int>				{ static const int i = 1; };
template<> struct is_numeric<unsigned int>		{ static const int i = 1; };
template<> struct is_numeric<long>				{ static const int i = 1; };
template<> struct is_numeric<unsigned long>		{ static const int i = 1; };
template<> struct is_numeric<float>				{ static const int i = 1; };
template<> struct is_numeric<double>			{ static const int i = 1; };
template<> struct is_numeric<long double>		{ static const int i = 1; };

template<typename Type>
class Numeric
	//Check is Type is numeric
	int AssertType[is_numeric<Type>::i];

	Type * Vector_;
	unsigned int length;
	Numeric()	{ Vector_ = new Type[0]; };
	~Numeric()  { delete [] Vector_; }

int main()
	Numeric<int> a;
	Numeric<float> b;
	Numeric<unsigned short> c;
	Numeric<string> d; //Error  
	Numeric<char> e; //Error  

	return 0;

commented: Nice, easy to understand template traits example +6

thanks much firstPerson.

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