I have a question that pertains to any programming language but since C/C++ is my primary language I'll ask it here.

I'm designing a test program that will simulate the outcome of a 12 round fight between 2 boxers. Now my question is, is there a limit or number I should shoot for in regards to the number of member variables a class should have?

Since my objects are representing people, very specific types of people, I seem to have a large number of member variables. These represent everything from first and last name to strength, stamina, speed, agility etc.

The reason I ask this, is because my constructor is very large and I have like 40 variables in the constructor initialization list. I'm just wondered if this is a common occurrence in games or in other large applications? Or is my class too bloated?

I'm doing everything all my books have told me too do as far as breaking down the parts of a person into smaller logical parts, but none of the books I have read so far delve into what to do with classes that have this many members. I just wanted to know if I'm missing some fundamental concept I should be using to address the growing number of members my classes have.

Any help or opinions would be great!

The reason I ask this, is because my constructor is very large and I have like 40 variables in the constructor initialization list. I'm just wondered if this is a common occurrence in games or in other large applications? Or is my class too bloated?

40 members are a bit too much IMO. Have you considered using more then 1 class? For example:

class Human {
    Human::Human(std::string name, std::string last_name, int age); 
    std::string name;
    std::string last_name;
    int age;

class Skills {
    Skills::Skills(int att, int defense) ; 
    int attack;
    int defense;

class Boxer {
    Boxer(Human* hum, Skills* sk);
    Human* human;
    Skills* skills 


Thank You for your response.

yes, I am currently inheriting my specialized persons classes from a more general human class, but my skills class and my attributes class are still really large. And your response brings about another question for me, should my skills class and my attributes class be nested within the more specialized boxer class or should I just use pointers in the constructor to point to them as you did?

Thx again

Ahh I see why I shouldn't nest them inside the CBoxer class, because if I ever wanted to add another specialized class like CKarateMaster, I would have to nest the attributes class and the stats class within each specialized class instead of just pointing to it in the constructor. Your way future proofs it from needless over-typing.

Also you might want to think about abstract classs.

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