
I want to create a line on a canvas ( similar to a visio connector but not as fancy) which will allow a mouseover event to be trapped ( this would trigger a property sheet to display the atributes of the line - a microwave link in my case ). I have tried deriving Tgraphic components but cannot seem to get this right and using a Timage with similar results. Any clues ?




I want to create a line on a canvas ( similar to a visio connector but not as fancy) which will allow a mouseover event to be trapped ( this would trigger a property sheet to display the atributes of the line - a microwave link in my case ). I have tried deriving Tgraphic components but cannot seem to get this right and using a Timage with similar results. Any clues ?



I Have written a componnet for own Project that Draw a simple (vertical or Horizontal) line and have some Property and Events
It May be useful for you.


Thanks a lot for that, I have had a play and think I can make what i need.

MAny thanks P.

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