can anyone say me how to insert the string of combo box into the table in oracle... from VB pls anyone help me with the code....:sad:

Are you having problems figuring out what the text is, or actually getting it into the DB? How far have you gotten so far? If you can post a sample of your code and where you think it's breaking (and what you have already attempted) we can help better.

rs.Open "insert into traveldet values('" & Text1.Text & "' ,'" & saccdate.Text & "','" & sretdate.Text & "','" & stype.Text & "','" & smodel.Text & "','" & Combo1.Text & "','" & Combo2.Text & "',null,'" & snopass.Text & "')", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, -1

thanks a lot for ur reply...
this code worked well for me...

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