This is my first time looking at anything in Pep 8 machine language and i was wondering if someone could help me understand how to do these problems . I am supposed to find the output for each program. I know the answer for the first one but I don't know how to get that answer and on the second one i am completely lost.
I've seen 91 is Bitwise AND instruction and as a convert decimal instruction

first problem

0000 C1000E; A: = first number
0003 910010; ?
0006 F1000D; Store the character
0009 51000D; Char output
000C 00; Stop 
000D 00; Character to output
000E A94F; ?
0010 FFFD; ?


Second problem

0000 C1000C; A: = first number
0003 18; ?
0004 F1000B; store the character
0007 51000B; chararacter output
000A 00; Stop
000B 00; Character to outpute
0010 F0D4; ?

Why are you showing us the binary output.
Please show the source code used to generate that binary output or atleast the list file that contains both binary and the source assembly!

this is the format in which they gave me the question:

The question goes like this:
Determine the output of the following Pep/8 machine language program and says that the left column is the memory address of the first byte on the line

That part was obvious.
I'm not familiar with PEP8 but am with many other processors.

Use your table lookup and convert the binary back into pseudo source code to make it readable!

PEP8 doccumentation is NIL!!!

    ; 1100 raaa   Load register r from memory
0000 C1000C   1100 0011 - 000C  LDA FirstNum,d      ; A: = first number

    ; 0001 100r    NOT of Register R
0003 18       0001 1000    A = ~A

    ; 1111 raaa   Store byte register r to memory
0004 F1000B   1111 0001 - 000B  STA SecondNum   ; store the character

    ; 0101 0aaa   Character Output from Operand
0007 51000B   0101 0001 -   ; chararacter output
;000A 00          0000 0000     ; Stop

    ; Stop execution
000B 00       0000 0000     ; Character to outpute

    ; 1111 raaa Store byte register r to memory
0010 F0D4     1111 0000 - D4    ; ?

SecondNum   000B
FirstNum    000C
; aaa
; 000  Immediate
; 001  Direct
; 011  Stack-relative

; r
; 0 Accumulator,A
; 1 Index register,X
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