salam i m new here. i m student of MIT. the basic problem is with that i cant understand the statement of proagram that what i have to do in it. and theoratical i know what is cin, cout, headerfiles etc but not very much. so i ve to submit my assingment on tuesday. so plz help me here ra sum statements and plz taught me how ill u make progrmmas relpy soon as possble..
this is from second chap of object orinted by robert lafore
1.a laibarary funtion, is lower(),takes a single character (aletter)
as an argument and returns a nonzero integer if the letter is lowercase or zero if it is uppercase .this function requires the headerfile CTYPE.H WRITE a progrma tha allows the user to enter a letter and then displayas either zero or nonzero, depending on whether a lowercase or uppercase letter was enterd????/