Hey there, I've never actually used a forum to ask for help on any sort of project before, but I'm a little stuck.. okay, a lot. =D It's probably something really stupid and minuscule, though. Anyway, heres the project.. I hope it's not too confusing:
Write a program that asks the user for the diameter and the cost of a pizza.
Use a function (getInputs()) to get the diameter and cost of the pizza and return the two values.
Use a function (calcArea(diameter)) to calculate the area of the pizza in square inches.
Use a function (calcCostPerSqInch(area, cost)) to calculate the area of a pizza in square inches.
Use a function (printResults(diameter, cost, area, perSq)) to print the results.
Annnnd, here's what I have so far...:
import math
def main():
diameter, cost = getInputs()
calcCostPerSqInch(area, cost)
printResults(diameter, cost, area, perSq)
def getInputs():
#prompt for the diameter and cost from the user
diameter = input("Enter the diameter (in inches): ")
cost = input("Enter the cost (in dollars): ")
return diameter, cost
#create calcArea function
def calcArea(diameter):
area = math.pi * (diameter / 2) ** 2
#create calcCostPerSqInch function
def calcCostPerSqInch(area, cost):
perSq = area / cost
#create printResults function
def printResults():
print "For a diameter of ", diameter," inches"
print "and a cost of $", cost,":"
print "Area in square inches: ", area
print "Cost per square inch: $", perSq
def intro():
#print explination to the user
print "Program to calculate the area and cost"
print "per square inch of a pizza."
print "You will be asked to enter the diameter"
print "of the pizza in inches and the cost in dollars."
Thanks in advance!!