So, I was trying to re-create the CMD command "set /p", where it prompts the user to type text, and is ended by a carriage return.
Upon trying this, however, I found that a word (dw) will only hold the last thing passed to it. You can type "abcdefg", but the word will only hold the value "g".
What I'm trying to ask is, would there be a way to make it store everything typed, like.. create a string out of a series of characters?
I'm using NASM16 under a windows operating system.
[org 0100h]
%include "Library.asm"
[section .text]
input 16 ;Check if it's enter
je ENDLINE ;If equal, end the line
mov [store],al ;Mov AL's value into a variable
string store ;Display the variable
string eol ;End the line
[section .data]
store dw 0, "$"
eol db " ", 13, 10, "$"