Here my code to display the menu:

Private Sub Text5_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = 2 Then
PopupMenu t5menu
End If
End Sub

But my problem is the default popup menus such as undo, copy, cut etc. keeps in taking place instead of the menus i set up..
Help me pls..

Not a simple solution as you have to subclass the textbox. Please see this example...

or this that says you don't need to subclass...

this one uses subclassing in conjunction with a dll...

and not so sure about this one as it uses a timer and the OP says you cannot completly disable the popup...

as this one tries to also get around it without using subclassing or the API...

while this one does subclass but has a project you can download...

same here...

and this is the search I used to find these examples...

Good Luck

Thanks for the help....

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