#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    //delcare varialbe
    char selection;
    //declare function
    void counting_loop();
    void impossible();
    void missing_item();
    void odd_even();
    void poem();
    void pause_m(void);
          cout << " Welcome to the Fun Program" << endl;
          cout << " Select from the menu " << endl ; 
          cout << "A gets Counting loop. " << endl;
          cout << "B gets Impossible."<< endl;
          cout << "C gets Missing Item."<< endl;
          cout << "D gets Odd or Even." << endl ;
          cout << "E gets Poem." << endl;
          cout << " Enter the letter of your choice. " << endl;
          cout << " Then hit the enter key. " << endl;
          cout << " Your choice : --> " ;
          cin >> selection ;
          // switch command 
           switch (selection)
                 case 'a':
                 case 'A': counting_loop(); // call function
                 case 'b':
                 case 'B': impossible();// call function
                 case 'c':
                 case 'C': missing_item();
                 case 'd':
                 case 'D' : odd_even();
                 case 'e':
                 case 'E': poem();
           }// end switch
    } while (selection!='Q'&&selection!='q');
    // function definition        
    void counting_loop()
    for (int x=0 ; x< 5; x++)
    cout << "Are we having fun ?" << endl ;
    }// end for
    // call function pause
    //fucntion pause
   void pause_m(void)
  cout << "\n\n";
  cout << "\n\n";
    //clear function
    void clear_m(void)
   void impossible()
        cout << " The repeat until loop is impossible in C++." << endl;
   void missing_item()
     cout << "This program is missing only the while loop." << endl ;
   void odd_even()
        int userinput;
        cout << " Enter an integer : " << endl;
        cin >> userinput;
        if ( userinput % 2 = 0) 
             cout << " Your number was odd. " << endl ;
             cout << " Your number was even. " << endl ; 
   void poem()
        cout <<"Feelings that once were hidden" <<endl;
        cout <<"Are now expressed to you." << endl;
        cout <<"Days that once were stormy" << endl;
        cout <<"Are now the brightest blue." << endl;

it kept saying that the fucntion pause is undeclare ? dont' know why ? anyhelps are appirciated

If you use "system", you should import cstdlib, because that's the library "system" is from.

But don't use system ("PAUSE") anyway. Use cin.get() once or twice instead.


i don't know what you means., .... i incpluded the using namespace std;
other program runs well
i have to use that beacuase that's the requirement

i don't know what you means., .... i incpluded the using namespace std;
other program runs well
i have to use that beacuase that's the requirement


"system" is in cstdlib, not iostream.

But you're right. That's not the problem. You need to proofread your posts. The error isn't that "PAUSE" can't be found, it's that "pause_m" can't be found, so I saw "system" and saw that you hadn't included the cstdlib library, so I figured that could be the problem.

Look at lines 9 - 15. You should move them to before line 4.

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