hello people. I am doing an "os" (small) that's mainly a menu. It just prints some strings and highlights some words when you pres 1,2 or 3. And by pressing enter while a option is selected, it has to do something.
The problem is that the program gets stuck in the beginning ... and i don't know where is the problem. Can't run a debug because it's a bootable bin file. Can some one please tell me where is the error?
I'm using linux+ nasm
[BITS 16]
jmp 07C0h:start
snd db 'Sound'
lsnd equ $-snd
abt db 'About'
labt equ $-abt
hlp db 'Help'
lhlp equ $-hlp
call init
;print "sound"
mov ax,1300h
mov bh,0
mov bl,2
mov cx,lsnd
mov dx,0
push cs
pop es
mov bp,snd
int 10h
mov ah,00h
int 16h
cmp ah,13
je make_sound
cmp ah,49
je is1
cmp ah,50
je is2
cmp ah,51
je is3
jmp wait_
call init
;print "About"
mov ax,1300h
mov bh,0
mov bl,2
mov cx,labt
mov dl,5
push cs
pop es
mov bp,abt
int 10h
jmp wait_
is3: jmp wait_
mov ax, 0E07h
xor bx, bx
int 10h
jmp wait_
;print "sound"
mov ax,1300h
mov bh,0
mov bl,5
mov cx,lsnd
mov dx,0
push cs
pop es
mov bp,snd
int 10h
;print "About"
mov ax,1300h
mov bh,0
mov cx,labt
mov dl,5
push cs
pop es
mov bp,abt
int 10h
;print "Help"
mov ax,1300h
mov bh,0
mov cx,lhlp
mov dl,10
push cs
pop es
mov bp,hlp
int 10h
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0AA55h
The attachment shows the result of the execution. To me, it looks like he executes init then ;print "sound" then gets stuck. Maybe the function that i use to wait for a char isn't the right one?