hello people. I am doing an "os" (small) that's mainly a menu. It just prints some strings and highlights some words when you pres 1,2 or 3. And by pressing enter while a option is selected, it has to do something.
The problem is that the program gets stuck in the beginning ... and i don't know where is the problem. Can't run a debug because it's a bootable bin file. Can some one please tell me where is the error?
I'm using linux+ nasm

[BITS 16]      
jmp 07C0h:start
	snd     db  'Sound'
	lsnd	equ	$-snd
	abt	db	'About'
	labt	equ	$-abt
	hlp	db	'Help'
	lhlp	equ	$-hlp


	call init
	;print "sound"
	mov	ax,1300h
	mov	bh,0
	mov	bl,2
	mov	cx,lsnd
	mov	dx,0
	push cs
	pop es
	mov bp,snd
	int 10h
	mov	ah,00h
	int	16h

	cmp 	ah,13
	je	make_sound

	cmp	ah,49
	je	is1

	cmp	ah,50
	je	is2

	cmp	ah,51
	je	is3

	jmp	wait_
	call init
	;print "About"
	mov	ax,1300h
	mov	bh,0
	mov	bl,2
	mov	cx,labt
	mov	dl,5
	push cs
	pop es
	mov bp,abt
	int 10h
	jmp	wait_

is3:	jmp	wait_
	mov	ax, 0E07h
	xor	bx, bx
	int	10h
	jmp	wait_
	;print "sound"
	mov	ax,1300h
	mov	bh,0
	mov	bl,5
	mov	cx,lsnd
	mov	dx,0
	push cs
	pop es
	mov bp,snd
	int 10h
	;print "About"
	mov	ax,1300h
	mov	bh,0
	mov	cx,labt
	mov	dl,5
	push cs
	pop es
	mov bp,abt
	int 10h
	;print "Help"
	mov	ax,1300h
	mov	bh,0
	mov	cx,lhlp
	mov	dl,10
	push cs
	pop es
	mov bp,hlp
	int 10h

    times 510-($-$$) db 0
    dw 0AA55h

The attachment shows the result of the execution. To me, it looks like he executes init then ;print "sound" then gets stuck. Maybe the function that i use to wait for a char isn't the right one?

Review how VIDEO BIOS Interrupt 10h is suppose to function!

You indicate string doesn't contain attributes with AX,1300h
BUT Never set BL to indicate attribute to use!

ALSO DL=column DH=Row

Now check all your prints!

I don't understand: why not setting BL for an attribute? It works fine for me...

I managed to fix my error,however. I was comparing ah when the character returned was in al. *oops*

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