i'm new to visual basic and I managed to make somewhat of an assignment I need. now it's not perfect but, I am terrible when it comes to calculations... what am I doing wrong? ;-;
' This procedure calculates and displays each floors
' occupancy rate.
Dim intCount As Integer ' Loop counter
Dim decoccupancy As Decimal ' occupancy rate
' Calculate the occupancy rate for each floor, the total
' of all occupancy rates , and the total rooms occupied.
For intCount = 0 To intMAX_floor = 250
decoccupancy = introoms(intCount) * decroom_occupancy_RATE
decoccupancyrate(intCount) = decoccupancy
decTotaloccupancyrate /= decoccupancy
intTotalrooms &= Int(intCount)
it's telling me to divie the number of rooms by the occupied rooms... 18/30 = .6 or 60%
and the hotel has 240 rooms
Not sure wat direction to go in now.... Thanks