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I've checked google now intermidintly for two days, and I could not find a solution for my problem, so I decided I would post my own thread on here.

The program I'm designing is supposed to ask the user for a file name, open that file, then take the average and find the least and greatest. My problem is, my program is getting stuck just accepting data from a file, and I'm not sure why. It never even gets to any of my functions.

Here's some of my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

void Average(double NumbersFromFile[50], int);
void Least(double NumbersFromFile[50], int);
void Greatest(double NumbersFromFile[50], int);

int main()
    int Counter=0;
    double NumbersFromFile[50]={0};
    char FileName[50]={0};

    cout << "What is the name of you file?" << endl;
    cin >> FileName;

    ifstream InputFile;;
	cout << "Error!";
	return 0;

        InputFile >> NumbersFromFile[Counter];


    Least(NumbersFromFile, Counter);
    Greatest(NumbersFromFile, Counter);
    Average(NumbersFromFile, Counter);

    return 0;


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Modify your code with,

	cout << "Error!";
	return 0;

What happen if value count exceed 50?

        InputFile >> NumbersFromFile[Counter];
Member Avatar for PolarPear


That is great advice about adding the break for my while loop, I should have had it for robustness in the first place.

I suppose I still have a follow up question though. Any file name I enter, it breaks now, because it doesn't open the file correctly.

I don't know what I am doing wrong for it not to open the file correctly though.

Member Avatar for PolarPear

Once again, I appreciate your help. From the computer science books I have, the input file part of my code should be exactly right.

I have created an output file, just to check to see if that would work, and it works fine. My input file on the other hand, even if I write the name of the file into my code instead of having it be user entered, still does not open.

I'm not sure what I'm doing different between the two.

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