
I am an online student in an intro to Java programming course and am a little stuck on my current program. The program is supposed to prompt for the name of files until the user enters "stop" to quit and includes the following methods in addition to the main method:

1. countLines(), which takes a File object, and returns the number of lines of text in the file

2. countLettersInLines(), which takes a File object, and returns an array of integers. In this array of integers, the first entry is the number of letters in the first line of the file, the second entry is the number of letters in the second line of the file, etc.

3. countLetters(), which takes a File object, and returns the number of letters in the file

4. countOneLetter() takes a File object and a letter, and returns the number of occurrences of the specified letter in the file (in uppercase or lowercase). This method and countLetters() can be used to determine the frequency of each letter in a text file.

5. countAllLetters() takes a File object, and returns an array of 26 integers, such that the entries in the array contain the number of occurrences of each letter of the alphabet in the file, disregarding case. The first entry in the array will be the number of a's in the file (regardless of case), the second entry is the number of b's (regardless of case), and so on. This method should use countOneLetter().

6. countIntegers() takes a File object, and returns the number of integers in the file

An example to this program would be:
Please enter the file name, or "stop" to end: short.txt

Number of lines: 2
Line with maximum number of letters: 1
Line 1: 13 letters
Line 2: 5 letters

Number of letters: 18
Frequency of a: 5.555555555555555
Frequency of b: 0.0
Frequency of c: 0.0
Frequency of d: 0.0
Frequency of e: 16.666666666666668
Frequency of f: 0.0
Frequency of g: 0.0
Frequency of h: 5.555555555555555
Frequency of i: 11.11111111111111
Frequency of j: 0.0
Frequency of k: 0.0
Frequency of l: 16.666666666666668
Frequency of m: 11.11111111111111
Frequency of n: 5.555555555555555
Frequency of o: 5.555555555555555
Frequency of q: 0.0
Frequency of r: 0.0
Frequency of s: 11.11111111111111
Frequency of t: 0.0
Frequency of u: 0.0
Frequency of v: 5.555555555555555
Frequency of w: 0.0
Frequency of x: 0.0
Frequency of y: 5.555555555555555
Frequency of z: 0.0

Integers in the file: 2

Please enter the file name, or "stop" to end: stop

Thank you any help will be much appreciated.

Your code is in the wrong section though. Maybe asking if it can be moved to the Java section would garner better help.

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