How do I reinitialize array to null or zero when reprompted to renter data. Tried this but still computes average for previous entry.
Student[] students1 = new Student[studentCount];
here is a snippet of code
float totalscore = 0.0f;
boolean isValid = false;
String lastName = "";
String firstName = "";
String ID = "";
int score = 0;
while (!isValid)
System.out.print("\n Enter number of students" );
System.out.print("\n to enter or \"0\" " + "<zero> to exit: " );
if (sc.hasNextInt()) { // make sure the next is an integer
int studentCount = sc.nextInt(); // discard the entire line if not
if (studentCount == 0)
System.out.printf("\n Program terminated by User.\n");
isValid = false;
sc.nextLine(); // discard any remaining data
// get the number of students and create the array
//int studentCount = getStudentCount();
Student[] students = new Student[studentCount];
// get the data for each student and add a Student object to the array
for (int i = 0; i < studentCount; i++) {
System.out.println(); // print a blank line
lastName = getString(" Student " + (i+1) + " last name: "); // get last name
firstName = getString("\t " + (i+1) + " first name: "); // get first name
ID = getID("\t " + (i+1) + " ID: \t "); // get ID
score = getScore("\t " + (i+1) + " score: \t "); // get score
students[i] = new Student(lastName, firstName, ID, score); // add to array
totalscore += score; // get total score
// get average grade
float averageGrade = totalscore/studentCount;
// sort the array
System.out.println(" * Summary of Grades Entered * \n");
System.out.printf(" %3s%15s%14s%4s",
"ID", "Last Name", "First Name", " Score");
// print the array
for (Student s : students) // for each Student in the array
System.out.println(" " + s.getSummaryLine());
// Average Grade
System.out.println("\n Average Grade " + averageGrade);
System.out.println(); // print the final blank line