I am having trouble with stacks and infix and post fix this is my error:
Reading from file "input16.txt":
Infix expression = (5)
Exception in thread "main" java.util.EmptyStackException
at ArrayStack.pop(ArrayStack.java:51)
at test.infixToPostfix(test.java:140)
at test.displayArray(test.java:87)
at test.main(test.java:53)
this is the txt file:
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
public class test
* Outputs integers from user input external files.
public static void main( String[] commandlineArguments )throws NullPointerException {
//Error Checking For Command Line Arguments..
if(commandlineArguments.length == 0){
System.out.println("Please enter the file name as the 1st commandline argument.");
else {
//connect to file (does NOT create new file)
for(int i=0; i<commandlineArguments.length; i++) {
File file = new File(commandlineArguments[i]);
Scanner inputFromFile = null;
try {
inputFromFile = new Scanner(file);
catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
//Print error message.
System.out.print("ERROR: File not found for \"");
String [] myArray = new String[2000];// Create the array to hold all elements that are found in the file
int count = 0; // number of elements
count = createOutput( inputFromFile, myArray ); // adds each element into array
System.out.println( "Reading from file \"" + commandlineArguments[i] + "\":" );
displayArray( myArray, count); // calls displayArray method
}//end of "if" for connecting to file
}//end of "else" for commandlineArguments
}//end of main() method
public static int createOutput( Scanner myScanner, String [] stringArray ) {
int count = 0; // number of elements
String element; //variable of each element
while( myScanner.hasNext() )// Loops until end of file
element = myScanner.next();
stringArray[ count ] = element; //stores the element into the array using count as the index
count++; // increase 1
return count; //returns total number of elements found in the file
public static void displayArray( String [] stringArray, int count) {
// For loop to step through each item in the array
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
// Print the index and the corresponding element value
System.out.println( "Infix expression = " + stringArray[i] );
String postFixExpression = infixToPostfix(stringArray[i]);
System.out.println("Postfix expression = " + postFixExpression);
public static String infixToPostfix(String infix){
String postfix = "";
//here is the algorithm that is described in the slides 47-49
//step 1: get parameter infix
String stringArray = infix;
StackInterface<String> stack
= new ArrayStack<String>();
//step 2: loop through String infix
for (int i = 0; i < infix.length(); i++)
char oneElement = infix.charAt(i);
if (oneElement == '(')
if (oneElement == '0' || oneElement == '1' || oneElement == '2'|| oneElement == '3' || oneElement == '4'|| oneElement == '5'|| oneElement == '6'||oneElement == '7'
||oneElement == '8'||oneElement == '9')
if (oneElement == '+')
if (oneElement == '-')
if (oneElement == '*')
if (oneElement == '%')
if (oneElement == ')')
postfix = postfix + oneElement;
postfix = postfix + oneElement;
String newLine = new String();
for (int j = 0; j < postfix.length(); j++)
newLine = newLine + stack.pop();
while (stack.empty()) {
postfix = postfix + stack.pop();
return postfix;
}// end of class
this is the ArrayStack and StackInterface class
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
* A generic Stack class implemented with an array
* @author William McDaniel Albritton
public class ArrayStack<T> implements StackInterface<T> {
// data fields
// size of array (size can increase if needed)
private Integer size = new Integer(5);
// top of the stack is the last element in the array
private Integer top = new Integer(-1);
// When using a generic container class with arrays,
// we must cast when we instantiate an array.
private T array[ ] = (T[ ]) new Object[size];
public ArrayStack(){
//We don't need any code in constructor,
//as we already initialized the data fields.
/**Tests if the stack is empty
* @return true/false if empty/not empty */
public boolean empty(){
return top == -1;
/**Looks at the object at the top of the stack
* without removing it from the stack.
* @return an address to the top item on the stack
* @exception EmptyStackException if the stack is empty*/
public T peek() throws EmptyStackException{
//check to see if empty
throw new EmptyStackException();
//return pointer to top element in array
//but do NOT take it off the stack!
return array[top];
/**Removes the object at the top of stack
* and returns the address of this object
* @return an addressed to the top item on the stack
* @exception EmptyStackException if the stack is empty*/
public T pop() throws EmptyStackException{
//check to see if stack is empty
throw new EmptyStackException();
//return pointer (address) to top element in array
//and take it off the stack
return array[top--];
//This is the same code as:
//int temp = top;
//top = top - 1;
//return array[temp];
/**Pushes an item onto the top of this stack
* @param item the item that is pushed on the stack */
public void push(T item){
//check to see if the stack is full
if(top + 1 == size){
//make the array twice as big!
Integer size2 = size * 2;
// When using a generic container class with arrays,
// we must cast when we instantiate an array.
T array2[] = (T[]) new Object[size2];
//copy elements into new array
System.arraycopy(array, 0, array2, 0, size);
//reassign the array & size
size = size2;
array = array2;
array[++top] = item;
//This is the same code as:
//top = top + 1;
//array[top] = item;
/**Driver code to test class
* @param arguments Commandline arguments not used */
}//end class
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
* A generic Stack interface roughly based on Java API's class Stack
* @author William McDaniel Albritton
public interface StackInterface<T>{
/**Tests if the stack is empty
* @return true/false if empty/not empty */
public boolean empty();
/**Looks at the object at the top of the stack
* without removing it from the stack.
* @return the address to the top item on the stack
* @exception EmptyStackException if the stack is empty*/
public T peek() throws EmptyStackException;
/**Removes the object at the top of stack
* and returns the address of this object
* @return the address to the top item on the stack
* @exception EmptyStackException if the stack is empty*/
public T pop() throws EmptyStackException;
/**Pushes an item onto the top of this stack
* @param item the item that is pushed on the stack */
public void push(T item);
}//end interface
Thanks in advance for your help! :)