
I am going to start learning WPF. I have some experience building Windows Forms based application with SQL Server 2005 (Disconnected mode, datasets, adapters, e.t.c).

What benefits will WPF give me, the developer, and the users of the app?

If somebody who has worked with both (Forms 2.0, WPF 3.5), please can you provide some details.



I am going to start learning WPF. I have some experience building Windows Forms based application with SQL Server 2005 (Disconnected mode, datasets, adapters, e.t.c).

What benefits will WPF give me, the developer, and the users of the app?

If somebody who has worked with both (Forms 2.0, WPF 3.5), please can you provide some details.


Well it has so many advantages over win form.......
in this video playing option is easy, look is better than win forms and so many advantages...
For more more details you can refer the link provided by adatapost.........:)

Hi, adatapost.

Thanks for the links, I had seen these already so i guess I should be more specific as to what I want.

I do a lot of work with datatables and datasets, dataradapters e.t.c... I am wondering what benefits WPF gives me assuming the look and feel has zero importance to the applicaion.


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