Hi guys,

I have a normal .exe file written in visual basic 6.
It's just many forms linked through a database.

I want to put it online, so the users can use it online and my application only need to be installed in one central computer.

How can I put "transform" my offline .exe to make it run online?
Is it possible? how should I rewrite it?

Thanks guys

Either rewrite as an ASP application or convert it to activex.

Good Luck

I have no background of .asp.. and rewrite sounds scary.
How to convert it back to activex?
Can I just use "save as"?
So, if it's in .activex, it can be published online is it?
Thanks for replying :)

No you can not "save as". an Activex control is build via code and then saved as an "ocx" file. This can then be uploaded to your web site. You will still need some coding done. There are hunfreds of web design applications available for download that will help you to create a web site. Just google it...

You will also need a domain name, many available on the net - google again. This is needed for your web sites "address", in other words, all will happen there. I personally think it will be easier to just write the code in ASP, Phyton, java etc. There are many languages out there.
Once you have secured your domain name, you will be supplied with the FTP Server details where you can upload all your files, including your .ocx.

Google more on OCX, vb6 to learn how to build an activex.

Seems like rewrite is the only solution... :(
Actually... my problem can be solved via email.

In my .mdb (microsoft access file) containing pricing table and client table.
The user can install my application in their own pc and record their client into a provided database.
But, the company might change the pricing table every now and then.
So I want to update the pricing table without interfering the client table, will it be possible?

Thanks, sorry for bothering you..

No you can not "save as". an Activex control is build via code and then saved as an "ocx" file. This can then be uploaded to your web site. You will still need some coding done. There are hunfreds of web design applications available for download that will help you to create a web site. Just google it...

You will also need a domain name, many available on the net - google again. This is needed for your web sites "address", in other words, all will happen there. I personally think it will be easier to just write the code in ASP, Phyton, java etc. There are many languages out there.
Once you have secured your domain name, you will be supplied with the FTP Server details where you can upload all your files, including your .ocx.

Google more on OCX, vb6 to learn how to build an activex.

Yes it is possible. You will however need their IP adresses, DNS etc. You can then connect to the database, change/edit whatever and viola, your'e done. Another option is to use Teamviewer. You will however need to get a password from the company via teamviewer. It just makes it so much easier, and it will take up 10 seconds of their time. Log in, edit and log off.
Remember to write code into your app to cover when you are trying to edit the database, so no one has access to it for the time you are editting. You might lose data if they have access. I have done this with one of my apps. Login just before they close for business and do what you have to. When they all log in again the following day, all is in place.

Yes it is possible. You will however need their IP adresses, DNS etc. You can then connect to the database, change/edit whatever and viola, your'e done. Another option is to use Teamviewer. You will however need to get a password from the company via teamviewer. It just makes it so much easier, and it will take up 10 seconds of their time. Log in, edit and log off.
Remember to write code into your app to cover when you are trying to edit the database, so no one has access to it for the time you are editting. You might lose data if they have access. I have done this with one of my apps. Login just before they close for business and do what you have to. When they all log in again the following day, all is in place.

that is a lot of inputs mate :)
I will give that option to my boss tomorrow, so he can think about it. thanks, you really save my day

As the previous post, no problem. Glad I could help. Shout when you need more help. I will gladly assist.


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