I'm trying to code a simple module to give me the difference between current date and the age of an existing file in a particular directory. If the file is a certain age (specifed in a config file), then an email is sent. I'm using TimeSpan to give me this magic number but I'm getting the following error:
Value of type 'Date' cannot be converted to 'System.TimeSpan'.
Here is my code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dirInfo As DirectoryInfo
dirInfo = New DirectoryInfo("c:\Test")
Dim age As DateTime = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("FileTime")
Dim ageTime As TimeSpan
Dim timeVal As Integer
ageTime = Now.Add(age)
Dim thisFile As FileInfo
Dim rgFiles As FileInfo()
rgFiles = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.LCK")
MsgBox("Age factor: " & age.ToString)
'MsgBox("Age TimeSpan: " & ageTime.ToString)
For Each thisFile In rgFiles
Label1.Text = ("Current Date: " & DateTime.Now.ToString())
Label2.Text = ("CreationDate: " & thisFile.CreationTime.ToString())
If ((DateTime.Now - thisFile.CreationTime) > ageTime) Then
ListBox1.Items.Add(thisFile.Name & " " & thisFile.CreationTime)
MsgBox("File Age: " & thisFile.Name & " - " & (DateTime.Now - thisFile.CreationTime).ToString())
End If
End Sub