I am undertaking a project but am hopelessly stuck. :cry: I have trawled the net, read books and followed tutorials but I just can't move forward. I would be really grateful if someone could help.
I need to create a sequential name and address file with the following options:
open a new file
open an existing file
add name and address info to open file
close a file
exit the program.
There are defined guidelines that I have so far stuck to. What I think I need to do is change my coding so I have an embedded db template that I can use to create a new db or open an existing db.
My code is as follows-
Dim TextFileNum As Integer
Dim OpenFileName As String
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Private Sub Form_Load()
OpenFileName = Empty
mnuClose.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuNew_Click()
f = FreeFile
CMDialog1.Filter = "all files|*.*|text|*.txt"
CMDialog1.FilterIndex = 0
CMDialog1.InitDir = App.Path
MsgBox "You selected: " + CMDialog1.FileName
Set db = OpenDatabase(CMDialog1.FileName)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Table1")
rs![Name] = txtName.Text
rs![Address1] = txtAddress1.Text
rs![Address2] = txtAddress2.Text
rs![Address3] = txtAddress3.Text
rs![Postcode] = txtPostcode.Text
TextFileNum = FreeFile
OpenFileName = CMDialog1.FileName
Open OpenFileName For Output As #f
cmdAdd.Visible = True
mnuNew.Enabled = False
mnuOpen.Enabled = False
mnuClose.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub mnuOpen_Click()
f = FreeFile
'CMDialog1.CancelError = True
'On Error GoTo Errhandler &n bsp; &n bsp; 'set error for cancel button
CMDialog1.Filter = "all files|*.*|text|*.txt"
CMDialog1.FilterIndex = 0
CMDialog1.InitDir = App.Path
MsgBox "You selected: " + CMDialog1.FileName
Set db = OpenDatabase(CMDialog1.FileName)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Table1")
txtName.Text = rs![Name]
txtAddress1.Text = rs![Address1]
txtAddress2.Text = rs![Address2]
txtAddress3.Text = rs![Address3]
txtPostcode.Text = rs![Postcode]
TextFileNum = FreeFile
OpenFileName = CMDialog1.FileName
Open OpenFileName For Append As #f
cmdAdd.Visible = True
mnuNew.Enabled = False
mnuOpen.Enabled = False
mnuClose.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
'MsgBox "You clicked the cancel button"
'Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub mnuClose_Click()
cmdAdd.Visible = False
mnuOpen.Enabled = True
mnuNew.Enabled = True
mnuClose.Enabled = False
MsgBox "001 File not open", vbOKOnly, "Error Details"
End Sub
Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
Close (f)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
rs![Name] = txtName.Text
rs![Address1] = txtAddress1.Text
rs![Address2] = txtAddress2.Text
rs![Address3] = txtAddress3.Text
rs![Postcode] = txtPostcode.Text
End Sub
Ty for looking.