Pseudocode is still somewhat confusing and I've been reading and this assignment for the a while now and I wanted to make sure I am understanding what's being asked of me. Could someone please tell me if my pseudocodes are correct?
1. Using pseudocode declare a Real number named temperature.
2. Using pseudocode declare a variable to store the Julian day (1-366) named JDay
3. Write pseudocode that asks a user to enter string variables to store a person’s lastname and birthdate. Then output the lastname and birthdate separated by a comma.
My pseudocode:
1. Declare temperature as double
2. Declare JDay as Integer
3. Declare LastName as string
Declare BirthDate as string
Write “Enter your last name”
Input LastName
Write “Enter your birthdate”
Input BirthDate
Set UserInfo = LastName = “ , “ + Birthdate