Hello All ,This is me again :icon_mrgreen:

I'm Making a programme which tell the user to input the name
of the product he wants to show its Price and Amount ,but i have a problem:

Here's The Code

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

struct Shop
	int Price;
	int Amount;

void PrintPrice (Shop Product);
void PrintAmount (Shop Product);

int main()
//For Input:
	Shop FI;

	Shop Apple;
	Shop Banana;
	Shop Orange;

	Apple.Price = 3;
	Banana.Price = 5;
	Orange.Price = 7;

	Apple.Amount = 5;
	Banana.Amount = 10;
	Orange.Amount = 15;

	cout << "Enter The Product's Name: ";
	cin >> FI;


//End Of Programme:
	return 0;

void PrintPrice (Shop Product)
	cout << "The Price Is: " << Product.Price <<endl;

void PrintAmount (Shop Product)
	cout << "The Amount Is: " << Product.Amount;

I Know This Is Wrong:

cin >> FI;

so what can it be replaced by?
Hope you got it...

The names of your variables go away after compilation, so you can't query them at runtime. Instead of trying to do something magical, why not store a name in your structure and use that? Of course, your program is missing a lot of required logic to make this work. Here's an example of what I think you want to do:

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct Shop
  string Name;
  int Price;
  int Amount;

void PrintPrice (string name, Shop products[], size_t n );
void PrintAmount ( string name, Shop products[], size_t n );

int main()
  Shop products[] = {
    { "Apple", 3, 5 },
    { "Banana", 5, 10 },
    { "Orange", 7, 15 }
  string name;

  cout<<"Enter The Product's Name: ";
  cin>> name;

  PrintPrice ( name, products, 3 );
  PrintAmount ( name, products, 3 );

void PrintPrice ( string name, Shop products[], size_t n )
  for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
    if ( products[i].Name == name )
      cout<< "The Price Is: "<< products[i].Price <<'\n';

void PrintAmount ( string name, Shop products[], size_t n )
  for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
    if ( products[i].Name == name )
      cout<< "The Amount Is: "<< products[i].Amount <<'\n';

A couple of asides:

>using namespace std;
I strongly recommend you either not use this and qualify namespaces manually, or take care to avoid using directives in the global scope.

>#include <conio.h>
Don't use conio.h unless you have a very good reason to do so, because it kills your code's portability. Pausing the program at the end with getch is not a good reason, by the way.

Worked Fine!,Thx

Reading it right now to understand what happened

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