I have an issue with a function not working properly in my code --
It is a calendar creating program and when I call the function from the menu it blips the first line of text that it outputs to the user (asks a question for some input) and then immediately exits without error. I really am not sure what is doing this but below I have included the necessary code
void htmlOutput(int specialEventsCount, apvector<apstring> &EventsNames, apvector<int> &EventDateCount);
int main()
int specialEventsCount;
apvector<apstring> EventsNames;
apvector<int> EventDateCount;
case 4 : htmlOutput(specialEventsCount,EventsNames,EventDateCount); break;
void htmlOutput (int specialEventsCount, apvector<apstring> &EventsNames, apvector<int> &EventDateCount)
int j, n, //Counter for loop
monthDaysDos; //Month days set = to integer
apstring firstDayName, //First weekday of month
monthDays; //Asks user via apstring
apvector<int> date;
apvector<apstring> EventsNames;
cout << "What day of the week is the first day of the month?" << endl;
cout << "Please type in the full day name: ";
When I run this by itself if I put it in int main and add the variables that are referenced in there, it works perfectly.