I'm making a macro in python and I need some help.

Basically, it just loads up 4 line entries from a text file and just attaches those 4 things to the end of a URL, and opens firefox to that URL. It then waits a random time between 3min-8min and terminates firefox and loops again.

I think i did something wrong because I'm trying to run it and its not running.

import os,sys
import random
import webbrowser
import time
import subprocess as sp

title=os.system('title Hit any key to start searhing!')

def main():
    print "" 

def getRandEntry(): #this function gets 4 random line entries from wordlist.txt
        WordList = open("wordlist.txt","r")
        randomEntry1 = random.choice(WordList.readlines())
        randomEntry2 = random.choice(WordList.readlines())
        randomEntry3 = random.choice(WordList.readlines())
        randomEntry4 = random.choice(WordList.readlines())

def startLink():
    QuadEntry = randomEntry1 + "+" + randomEntry2 + "+" + randomEntry3 + "+" + randomEntry4
    child = sp.Popen(['firefox', '-p',  'myprofile', '-no-remote', "http://swagbucks.com/?t=w&p=1&q=" + `QuadEntry`])
    child.terminate() #where taskkill for python goes
    for interval in range(180, 481): #180 seconds = 3 mins, 480 seconds = 8 min
        #for loop is to make the random 3min-8min interval between searches

First of all, in the code you posted, you never run your main function.

how do i do that?

like this:



Yes, that should be your last line. That or:

if __name__ == "__main__":

People tend to use that so if their file is imported as a module, then its functions can be used without the whole program running. But your line is fine, too.

Btw, it still won't work after that. randomEntry1-4 are all local variables that only exist in getRandEntry. They don't exist in startLink. You can either pass them as arguments to startLink (recommended) or make them global variable (bad python user, bad).

Also, getRandEntry is a bit inefficient. You call readlines() 4 times, where you could call it once. I would do it like this:

def getRandEntry():
        theFile = open("wordlist.txt","r")
        wordList = theFile.readlines()
        theRandoms = []
        for i in range(4):
        startLink(theRandoms) #you'll need to change startLink to make this work

Thanks! thats really cool how you can append to an empty value like that.
I don't know how to give other fuctions arguments yet so can you post an example similar to my program or something like that?

thanks a bunch!~@


def printRandEntries(argList):
        for entry in argList:
                print entry
printRandEntries(["boil 'em", "mash 'em", "stick 'em in a stew"])

The function above takes a list as an argument, and then using the for loop, prints out each thing in the list.

Just to let you know, in startLink, the intervals in that bottom for loop won't be that random. The first interval will be 180 seconds, the next will be 181, the next 182, and so on.

Ooh so thats how you do it.

Anyways, um how would be a randomer way of doing what I did?

This is how I remade it so far, i can't help it but i think i wrote something incorrectly...

import os,sys
import random
import webbrowser
import time
import subprocess as sp

title=os.system('title Hit any key to start searhing!')


def main():
    print "" 

def getRandEntry():
        theFile = open("wordlist.txt","r")
        wordList = theFile.readlines()
        theRandoms = []
        for i in range(4):
                startLink(theRandoms) #you'll need to change startLink to make this work

def startLink(argList):
        for entry in argList:
            child = sp.Popen(['firefox', '-p',  'myprofile', '-no-remote', "http://swagbucks.com/?t=w&p=1&q=" + `QuadEntry`])
            child.terminate() #where taskkill for python goes
            for interval in range(180, 481): #180 seconds = 3 mins, 480 seconds = 8 min
            #for loop is to make the random 3min-8min interval between searches
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