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Hello, i have one more it is:

In my application I have more then one form/dialogs, of course. My start up (main) form is called "StartForm" and when I want to access to some other dialogs, I open up dialog and I put StartForm on ".Enabled = False" so that user can't access to that form even if he click somewhere on it (StartForm is maximized to full screen and dialogs are small so StartForm can be seen in background when you open dialog).
Ok, this works fine until I click on my application "link" in task bar...then, only my StartForm is visible and it's ".Enabled = False" so I can't do anything...I must kill process in task manager. Same thing happens when I open some other application and then come back to my application.

I've tried also few things like .TopLevel = True (everything's the same), .TopMost = True (also doesn't work because then is that dialog visible all the time(until you close it)...on system level)

So...what do I need? I suppose I need something to check which dialogs/forms are enabled on minimize/maximize and to put that dialog/form .TopLevel = True when I maximize my application again. Can somebody help me ?

just open your other forms with .ShowDialog
this prevents the user to access your StartForm until the other form is closed.

Member Avatar for Peric

just open your other forms with .ShowDialog
this prevents the user to access your StartForm until the other form is closed.

Thank you a lot...I always get stuck on some silly problems :)
One more thing, now...when i'm opening my dialogs with .ShowDialog(), and then, when I click on my StartForm I can't access it and when open some other application and come back again, that opened dialog is on top and that's great...but one thing that gets on my nerve, that "warning" sound when I click somewhere on StartForm, is there any way to disable that? :)

i find that warning pretty handy. so even the "weirdest" users will realise they cant use the startform :p

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i find that warning pretty handy. so even the "weirdest" users will realise they cant use the startform :p

that's also true :)


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