I am trying to create a dictionary program, just for fun. I doubt I will ever get past twenty words. But this program has a problem. It always goes to the word, no matter what I type in, or press.
Here is the source code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(void)
cout << "Search! Enter in a word that you would like to find the definition." << endl;
cout << "If we can have it, we'll give you all we have on it." << endl;
cout << " (Note: You must spell your word correctly.)" << endl;
cout << "Now press a key to start the program!" << endl;
string start;
getline(cin, start);
if (start == "dfhbghkdabdhadvahdvadjahdvjdhdhjdvhhjdvhjhjj")
{goto start;}
else {goto start;}
cout << "Choose a[nother] word!" << endl;
string word;
getline(cin, word);
if (word == "close" or "Close" or "CLOSE"){
return 0;}
if (word == "C++" or "c++" or "C+" or "c+" or "C" or "c")
cout << "\"C++\" or \"C\" <noun> A programing platform language that is very famous, though a bit messed up." << endl;
goto start;
else {cout << "This word does not currently exist. Please consider submitting it!" << endl;}
goto start;