i have a VB6 application using DAO and other reference libraries...so i used Package & Deployment wizard, so that it works on other machines as well...now my application size has increased from "79 KB" (my earlier exe + DB Files) to whooping "30 MB" (entire package).

Please guide me how to reduce this size...as i have to make it as crisp as possible...

i just have to send application so that ppl can use it..no need for modification and all..keeping this in mind...do i need .cab file (13 MB)?? what else can i do to reduce the size of package ???

Okay, there are three files you need to distribute you application. The Cab, the lst, and the exe. (You did create a standandard deployment package, didn't you?) The support directory you do not need to include in your zip, if that is how you are putting you application on the web.

Good Luck

As per your previous post on package errors, now that you have done it properly and included all files as was referenced, the size of the package will increase.

As vb5prgmr mentioned above, you only need the .lst, .CAB and the .exe files. You do not have to include the Support file, which will reduce the size of your distributable a lot.

Hope this answers your question.

commented: thanks fr the help +1

Thanks vb5prgrmr & AndreRet for the inputs...please clarify some more doubts i have -

1. do i need to include everything in my package that i have used (this question comes up because even my unpackaged .exe is working fine on some systems..but not on "others"...it was working fine on "others" until i had added database to my application...so will it suffice if i only pack DAO in package??)

2. while running P&D wizard...it prompts that i am using DAO...and available drivers on my system for it are - "Jet 2.x : Jet 2.x" , "ODBC Direct" and "ODBC with jet workspaces".....do i need to include all three of them..or any one of them will suffice??

3. what does MDAC_TYP.exe does?? is it necessary to include it in my package (it increases the size of package by 8 MB!!!)....assuming everyone who installs this would already have Windows XP..

plz help...as i want to distribute my application over net...and this P&D is making 180 KB file to 30 Mb !!!

As per your previous post on package errors, now that you have done it properly and included all files as was referenced, the size of the package will increase.

As vb5prgmr mentioned above, you only need the .lst, .CAB and the .exe files. You do not have to include the Support file, which will reduce the size of your distributable a lot.

Hope this answers your question.

3 Okay, the MDAC is the Microsoft Data Access Components and yes you need it.
2 Those 3 are one in the same...
1 Yes, as previously stated you need those three files...

Tell users to right click on setup.exe and run as admin or download Windows Installer 1.1 from microsoft or check out the Inno setup for vb 6.0 as these are both free.

Good Luck

commented: thanks for the inputs +1

Thanks vb5prgrmr..

but my problem remains....

how to make sure that my VB6 application works on all systems and the application size remains small..so that can be sent in a mail...

my application uses Access Database...


3 Okay, the MDAC is the Microsoft Data Access Components and yes you need it.
2 Those 3 are one in the same...
1 Yes, as previously stated you need those three files...

Tell users to right click on setup.exe and run as admin or download Windows Installer 1.1 from microsoft or check out the Inno setup for vb 6.0 as these are both free.

Good Luck

You can't! At least not with Visual Basic. You can however with RealBasic...

Good Luck

ok..thanks for the help...

You can't! At least not with Visual Basic. You can however with RealBasic...

Good Luck

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