
There is possible to download automatic speech recognition engine Sphinx4 in two versions, one is bin, the other is src. It is explained how to build Sphinx4 engine with Ant here: http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/#how_build . However there are many applications which use this Sphinx4, e.g. HelloDigits. I'd like to create my own application. To do it, I enter home/mainaccount/tutorial/sphinx4-1.0beta3-src/sphinx4-1.0beta3/src/apps/edu/cmu/sphinx/demo/helloworld in Ubuntu 9.10 and see HelloWorld.java. To create my own application I can copy the whole directory with helloworld to .../demo/myapp, change all names from HelloWorld to myapp and then edit myapp.java file. OK, I've got code of my own application. But what if I'd like to build and use it? It is explained here http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/sphinx4/#setupide very shortly. Tell me, please, how to build this myapp with Ant.


Can anybody help me, please?


Can anybody help me, please?

I tried forum sourceforge which is dedicated for Sphinx4 and some other forums later. I've been trying to do it in NetBeans and later in Eclipse. It was bad idea to try it in NetBeans, a little bit better in Eclipse, however I succeded in neither of those.

My previous topics:

They suggested me to use Ant but nobody answered my question how to do it with Ant. So I would be greatful if you can tell me how to do it with Ant.


Why do you want to build Sphinx from source instead of using provided JAR file? Including external libraries in project is what you should do...

Thank you for your answer!

As I already explained there are two things which can be built:
1. Sphinx4
2. application which use Sphinx4, e.g. HelloDIgits
I can build Sphinx4 (or I can just use already built version). I can also use already build examplary applications. But I'd like to build my own application (-> look point 2) which uses already built Sphinx4 (-> look point 1). To do it, I need to edit source code of examplary appliaction (I already developed my code but I couldn't check it because I don't know how to build it with Ant) and then build it with Ant. So the case is not building (1), which you asked me about (why don't I use already prepared .jar files), but I need to do (2), but with not HelloDigits.java, but with my application based on code of HelloDigits.java (based only partially), i.e. myapp.java.


May I have your answer, please?

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