So i just realized after checking my emial that i have a python hw for my comp sci class due tom night at 12am . I read the hw and i am a bit lost. I will be starting it tonight once i get out of work.
The task is to write a program that check html files to determine if the xhtml tags are balanced using queues and stacks.the first phase will read in the file and find all of the tags and save them into a queue . the second phase will take in the queue of tags from the first phase and check to see if they are balanced and then print the output.
this is how our data file looks:
" This is a paragraph
we're skipping some lines using a self-closing tag
before ending the second paragraph
the next tag is a horizontal-rule which is also self-closing "
this is how the output file looks like'
is self-closing
is self-closing
is self-closing
Now what are your thoughts about doing this. Obviously ill be using a commandline arguement to make sure that user enters the right files with the excuetable file and a html file to be checked.
I havent had time to experiement with it but ill start tonight. Any help is appreciated. and no im not asking for a whole code, just some thoughts about how to do this so i can type it up fast. puesdocode type deal. thanks.