it builds correctly and runs correctly but when the program gets to the while statement, it just stops completely, does not even allow blind input of data.
I know it is a little messy but here is the code:
// buildingwillcost.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
float length1, length2, length3, length4, length5, length6;
int wallNum, totalSheets;
float totallength[100];
float totalCost, sheetrockCost, tenFTcost, tenFTTOTALcost, eightFTcost, eightFTTOTALcost;
float totalTen, totalEight;
int numWall, numWall2;
cout << "How many walls do you have to do this for?\n";
cin >> wallNum;
cout << "How much does a 2x4x8 cost?\n";
cin >> eightFTcost;
cout << "How much does a 2x4x10 cost?\n";
cin >> tenFTcost;
int current1, current2, current3, current4;
int length[1000];
int sheetrockSheets;
int sheetType[100];
float costofsheetrock[100];
int NUMWALL[100];
// number of walls with a certain type of sheetrock
current1 = 1;
while (current1 <= 2);
cout << "How many walls will be using this type of sheetrock?\n";
cin >> numWall;
cout << "How much does sheetrock of this type cost?\n";
cin >> sheetrockCost;
SHEETROCKCOST[current1] = sheetrockCost;
NUMWALL[current1] = numWall;
current1 = current1 + 1;
// user input
totalSheets = 0;
totalTen = 0;
totalEight = 0;
totalCost = 0;
current2 = 1;
while (current2 <= 2);
eightFTTOTALcost = 0;
tenFTTOTALcost = 0;
numWall2 = NUMWALL[current2];
current3 = 1;
while (current3 <= numWall2);
cout << "Please enter wall length in this order:\n";
cout << "Feet, inches, numerator of fraction over 16\n";
cin >> length1;
cin >> length2;
cin >> length3;
length4 = length1 / 12;
length5 = length4 + length2;
length6 = (length3 / 16) + length5;
length[current3] = ceil((length6 / 12));
totallength[current3] = totallength[current3] + length[current3];
totalEight = totalEight + (length6 / 12 / 16);
totalTen = totalTen + (length6 / 12 / 10);
eightFTTOTALcost = (length[current3] / 16 * eightFTcost) + eightFTTOTALcost;
tenFTTOTALcost = (length[current3] / 10 * tenFTcost) + tenFTTOTALcost;
current3 = current3 + 1;
numWall2 = NUMWALL[current2];
sheetrockSheets = ceil(totallength[current3] / 4);
costofsheetrock[current2] = (sheetrockSheets * SHEETROCKCOST[current2]);
totalCost = totalCost + eightFTTOTALcost + tenFTTOTALcost + costofsheetrock[current2];
current2 = current2 + 1;
// print sequence
cout << "After careful consideration, I have calculated that you will need:\n";
cout << "A budget of: $" << totalCost;
cout << "To cover the cost of the\n";
cout << totalTen << " 10ft. boards\n";
cout << totalEight << " 8ft. boards\n";
cout << "and for the\n";
current4 = 1;
while (current4 <= 2);
cout << sheetType[current4] << " 4ft. by 8ft. sheets of sheetrock type " << current4;
cout << "Good-bye, good luck on the project and have a nice day\n";
return 0;