First here is what I need to accomplish:
The program
In this program you will create a direct access file on a simulated disk. A number of sectors will be allocated for the file and records will be written to the sectors using hashing. The sectors will be buckets, that is the hash function will give numbers which identify sectors, not individual records. When buckets fill, overflow buckets (sectors) will be allocated to hold the overflowing records.
The Disk class
You will create a Disk class. The disk used for this program will then be an instance of this class. A disk will be a two dimensional array of char, i.e. an array of char arrays. You should view this as an array of sectors where each sector is an array of characters. The number of sectors in a disk and the size of the sectors is arbitrary, but a default size is 10,000 sectors on a disk with 512 characters in each sector. The class definition for Disk is:
public class Disk
private int sectorCount; // sectors on the disk
private int sectorSize; // characters in a sector
private char[][] store; // all disk data is stored here
public Disk() // for default sectorCount and sectorSize
public Disk(int sectorCount, int sectorSize)
public void readSector(int sectorNumber, char[] buffer) // sector to
{} // buffer
public void writeSector(int sectorNumber, char[] buffer) // buffer to
{} // sector
public int getSectorCount()
return sectorCount;
public int getSectorSize()
return sectorSize;
sectorCount is the number of sectors in the disk and sectorSize is the number of characters in a sector. char[][] store is a reference to the 2-dimensional array which must be allocated by the constructor.
Reading and writing to the disk
You can only read and write to the disk a sector at a time. A disk buffer which is a character array of the same size as a sector must be available. The writeSector method will copy the contents of its second parameter (which should be your disk buffer) to the sector whose number is the first argument. The previous contents of the sector will be overwritten. The readSector method will copy the contents of the sector whose number is the first parameter to the character array which is the second parameter. All access to the disk will be through these two methods. (Note: The disk buffer you will use will be part of the file class described below.)
Direct access files
A direct access file stores records in such a way that a record can be read or written to the file without reading or writing the entire file. Each record must contain a unique key field. The value of this key field (the "key") will be used to determine where the record is stored on the disk. The record can then be read given only the key. The file is implemented as a hash table using sectors for buckets. The class definition for directFile is:
public class directFile
public directFile(Disk disk, int recordSize, int keySize,
int firstAllocated, int bucketsAllocated)
public boolean insertRecord(char[] record)
public boolean findRecord(char[] record)
private int hash(char[] key)
private Disk disk; // disk on which the file will be written
private char[] buffer; // disk buffer
private int recordSize; // in characters
private int keySize; // in characters
private int recordsPerSector;
private int firstAllocated; // sector number
private int bucketsAllocated; // buckets originally allocated
private int firstOverflow; // sector number
private int overflowBuckets; // count of overflow buckets in use
To insert a record (insertRecord method) the hash method takes the key for its parameter and returns a hash value in the range 0 ... (bucketsAllocated - 1). The record is then placed in the sector corresponding to the hash value. This is done by reading the sector from disk into the disk buffer (the buffer field of the directFile), writing the record into the first available position in the buffer, and then writing the buffer back to disk.
If the sector is full, the record is placed in the first overflow sector which is not full. Overflow sectors are allocated when needed and records are stored in them in the order in which the insertions occur. To allocate an overflow sector just increment the overflowBuckets field. If it is the first bucket allocated you must also assign the sector number to the firstOverflow field.
If a record already exists in the file with the given key no insertion will be done but insertRecord will return false. If an insertion is done true will be returned.
To read a record (findRecord method) given its key, hash the key, read the corresponding sector, and copy the record from its place in the disk buffer into the (char[]) parameter of findRecord and true is returned. If the record is not found in this sector, but the sector is not full, the record is not in the table and false is returned. If the record is not found in this sector and the sector is full you must search the overflow sectors.
Note that the parameter passed to findRecord is a reference to a character array which can hold an entire record. findRecord will only use the first part of this array (the key) to do its search. It will then copy the entire record (if found) into the array when it returns.
So if I'm understanding this correctly the Hash function will take a char array of length 27 which is the name of the mountain, and then based on that the hash function will generate a hash value somewhere between 0 and 599?
Creating a function to do this is where I'm lost. I've read many articles online and I still don't get it. If anyone could help get me started that would be great or post links to good tutorials/examples.
I just don't understand how I would have each key generate a different hash value and its REALLY frustrating lol. But thanks for any help/input!