
using namespace std;

struct Student
	char Name[30];
	float GPA;
	int Major;

//Function prototypes
Student* StudentData(Student* S);
void display(Student* S);
void ChangeData(Student* S);
Student Students[2];
void GetStudents(Student array[], int& size);

//Main information build
int main()
	//Declare two objects of type 'Student' as wanted in step #1
	Student* S1 = new Student;
	Student* S2 = new Student;
	//Pass this object into the function so it can be filled up with useful information as wanted in step #2
	S1 = StudentData(S2);
	//Display new and exciting information as specified in step #3
	//Function call to change data in S2 as specified in step #4
	//Displays ChangeData
	Student Students[2];    
	return 0;

//Function Definitions Which Ask For User Input And Displays Them
Student* StudentData(Student* S)
	cout << "Enter name: ";
	cin >> S->Name;
	cout << "Enter GPA: ";
	cin >> S->GPA;
	cout << "Enter major: " ;
	cin >> S->Major;
	return S;

void display(Student* S)
	cout << "                " << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << S->Name  << endl;
    cout << "GPA: " << S->GPA   << endl;
    cout << "Major: " << S->Major << endl;
	cout << "                " << endl;

void ChangeData(Student* S)
	cout << "\nEnter name: ";
	cin >> S->Name;
	cout << "Enter GPA: ";
	cin >> S->GPA;
	cout << "Enter Major: " ;
	cin >> S->Major;
void GetStudents(Student array[], int& size)
	for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
		cout << "Enter name: ";
		cin.getline(array[i]->Name, 30);
		cout << "Enter GPA: ";
		cin >> array[i]->GPA;
		cout << "please enter major: " ;
		cin >> array[i]->Major;

im working on the getstudents

Very good.

One recommendation though, I would place your ignore() before the getline() call in efforts to clear the input buffer of any extraneous pesky newline characters.

In fact, if you don't do this, it will adversely affect your program later on.

Also, in keeping with good programming practices, move line #39 to line #28. All variable declarations should be made together at the beginning of a block of code. (having variables declared at random throughout your code will turn it into a nightmare)

So this brings us to step #8:

8. Call the function GetStudents from main.

I have full confidence in your ability to make the function call as required. As soon as you are done with this, we can move on to step #9.

i am getting nothing but error messages on the bottom and when you say place ignore() before getline

line 39 85 88 91 are where all the errors are

try turning all the -> into periods .

I can give you the explaination for this later on if you desire.

ok i'll give it to you now:

to keep it simple: whenever you are using a subscripted pointer, the pointer is automatically dereferrenced, therefore, you do not need to use the arrow operator.

(except when you are using an array of pointers)

okay that worked and the Student Students[2]; where should I put it i had it under display(S2) and i have under void changedata but it says it wants it in main and im not sure exactly where

and what did the getstudent really do when i run it i seen nothing changing

put it with the rest of your variable declarations:

//Declare two objects of type 'Student' as wanted in step #1
Student* S1 = new Student;
Student* S2 = new Student;
Student Students[2];

Your future employer will love you.

and what did the getstudent really do when i run it i seen nothing changing

Does your code look anything like this? If not, then maybe you should make the proper adjustments:

using namespace std;

struct Student
     char Name[30];
     float GPA;
     int Major;

//Function prototypes
Student* StudentData(Student* S);
void display(Student* S);
void ChangeData(Student* S);
void GetStudents(Student array[], int size);

//main driver
int main()
     //Declare two objects of type 'Student'; step #1
     Student* S1 = new Student;
     Student* S2 = new Student;
     //Step #6 requirement
     Student Students[2];

     //Pass this object into our function so it can be filled up with useful information; step #2
     S1 = StudentData(S2);
     //Display new and exciting information to the DOS console; step #3
     //Function call to change data in S2 as per step #4 requirement
     //Function call to dsiplay the newly changed S2 object as per step #5
     //Step #7
     GetStudents(Students, 2);

return 0;

//Function Definitions
Student* StudentData(Student* S)
     cout << "Enter name: ";
     cin >> S->Name;

     cout << "Enter GPA: ";
     cin >> S->GPA;

     cout << "Enter major: " ;
     cin >> S->Major;

     return S;

void display(Student* S)
    cout << S->Name  << endl;
    cout << S->GPA   << endl;
    cout << S->Major << endl;

void ChangeData(Student* S)
     cout << "Enter name: ";
     cin >> S->Name;

     cout << "Enter GPA: ";
     cin >> S->GPA;

     cout << "please enter major: " ;
     cin >> S->Major;

void GetStudents(Student array[], int size)
     for(int i=0; i<size; i++)

        cout << "Enter name: ";
        cin.getline(array[i].Name, 30);

        cout << "Enter GPA: ";
        cin >> array[i].GPA;

        cout << "Enter major: " ;
        cin >> array[i].Major;

if i do that it tells me its an unused variable

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct Student
	char Name[30];
	float GPA;
	int Major;

//Function prototypes
Student* StudentData(Student* S);
void display(Student* S);
void ChangeData(Student* S);
void GetStudents(Student array[], int& size);

//Main information build
int main()
	//Declare two objects of type 'Student' as wanted in step #1
	Student* S1 = new Student;
	Student* S2 = new Student;
	Student Students[2];
	//Pass this object into the function so it can be filled up with useful information as wanted in step #2
	S1 = StudentData(S2);
	//Display new and exciting information as specified in step #3
	//Function call to change data in S2 as specified in step #4
	//Displays ChangeData
	return 0;

//Function Definitions Which Ask For User Input And Displays Them
Student* StudentData(Student* S)
	cout << "Enter name: ";
	cin >> S->Name;
	cout << "Enter GPA: ";
	cin >> S->GPA;
	cout << "Enter major: " ;
	cin >> S->Major;
	return S;

void display(Student* S)
	cout << "                " << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << S->Name  << endl;
    cout << "GPA: " << S->GPA   << endl;
    cout << "Major: " << S->Major << endl;
	cout << "                " << endl;

void ChangeData(Student* S)
	cout << "\nEnter name: ";
	cin >> S->Name;
	cout << "Enter GPA: ";
	cin >> S->GPA;
	cout << "Enter Major: " ;
	cin >> S->Major;
void GetStudents(Student array[], int& size)
	for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
		cout << "Enter name: ";
		cin.getline(array[i].Name, 30);
		cout << "Enter GPA: ";
		cin >> array[i].GPA;
		cout << "please enter major: " ;
		cin >> array[i].Major;

wont line 16 be what it wants to be in number 8

line 16 and 26 are errors

in my code atleast but I dont know y

its because of the &

if i do that it tells me its an unused variable

Yes, the Students[] array is declared, and not used.. that is until you complete step #8:

8. Call the function GetStudents from main.

Now the variable will be used and your compiler will stop issuing you those warnings.

its because of the &

Just take away the address operator (since we are passing in a constant)

i did but in your code you took out the & sign from those locations

i am not understanding this program isnt it suppose to do something with the numbers

i did but in your code you took out the & sign from those locations

Then I would suggest that you make your code look like my code.

yea i did once i saw it in yours i made the adjustment and tookem out

are we on step 9

i am not understanding this program isnt it suppose to do something with the numbers

It does nothing but record user input into different c++ data types, and then return the same user input back to the dos console.

Think of it as a database (or record keeping) program.

ok that make more sense i thought it was suppose to calculate the user input

ok i understand it now what it will do is record and if the input is incorect it will catch and throw data

ok now for number 9 i understand that it gonna be like

void PrintStudents()

but will i put this in the brackets(Student array[], int size)

how do you get the lining for the students

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct Student
	char Name[30];
	float GPA;
	int Major;

//Function prototypes
Student* StudentData(Student* S);
void display(Student* S);
void ChangeData(Student* S);
void GetStudents(Student array[], int size);

//Main information build
int main()
	//Declare two objects of type 'Student' as wanted in step #1
	Student* S1 = new Student;
	Student* S2 = new Student;
	//Step #6
	Student Students[2];
	//Pass this object into the function so it can be filled up with useful information as wanted in step #2
	S1 = StudentData(S2);
	//Display new and exciting information as specified in step #3
	//Function call to change data in S2 as specified in step #4
	//Displays ChangeData
	//Step #7
	GetStudents(Students, 2);	
	return 0;

//Function Definitions Which Ask For User Input And Displays Them
Student* StudentData(Student* S)
	cout << "Enter name: ";
	cin >> S->Name;
	cout << "Enter GPA: ";
	cin >> S->GPA;
	cout << "Enter major: " ;
	cin >> S->Major;
	return S;

void display(Student* S)
	cout << "                " << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << S->Name  << endl;
    cout << "GPA: " << S->GPA   << endl;
    cout << "Major: " << S->Major << endl;
	cout << "                " << endl;

void ChangeData(Student* S)
	cout << "\nEnter name: ";
	cin >> S->Name;
	cout << "Enter GPA: ";
	cin >> S->GPA;
	cout << "Enter Major: " ;
	cin >> S->Major;
void GetStudents(Student array[], int size)
	for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
		cout << "            " << endl;
		cout << "Enter name: ";
		cin.getline(array[i].Name, 30);
		cout << "Enter GPA: ";
		cin >> array[i].GPA;
		cout << "please enter major: " ;
		cin >> array[i].Major;
void PrintStudents()


Here is what I came up with for step #9.. maybe you came up with something better:

void PrintStudents(Student array[], int size)
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
         cout << array[i].Name << ' ' << array[i].GPA << ' ' << array[i].Major << endl;

i used what you just put to see if it works my didnt at all it was compile error, but yours did and i dont know y, but what is number 9 supose to do i dont see change

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct Student
	char Name[30];
	float GPA;
	int Major;

//Function prototypes
Student* StudentData(Student* S);
void display(Student* S);
void ChangeData(Student* S);
void GetStudents(Student array[], int size);
void PrintStudents(Student array[], int size);

//Main information build
int main()
	//Declare two objects of type 'Student' as wanted in step #1
	Student* S1 = new Student;
	Student* S2 = new Student;
	//Step #6
	Student Students[2];
	//Pass this object into the function so it can be filled up with useful information as wanted in step #2
	S1 = StudentData(S2);
	//Display new and exciting information as specified in step #3
	//Function call to change data in S2 as specified in step #4
	//Displays ChangeData
	//Step #7
	GetStudents(Students, 2);	
	return 0;

//Function Definitions Which Ask For User Input And Displays Them
Student* StudentData(Student* S)
	cout << "Enter name: ";
	cin >> S->Name;
	cout << "Enter GPA: ";
	cin >> S->GPA;
	cout << "Enter major: " ;
	cin >> S->Major;
	return S;

void display(Student* S)
	cout << "                " << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << S->Name  << endl;
    cout << "GPA: " << S->GPA   << endl;
    cout << "Major: " << S->Major << endl;
	cout << "                " << endl;

void ChangeData(Student* S)
	cout << "\nEnter name: ";
	cin >> S->Name;
	cout << "Enter GPA: ";
	cin >> S->GPA;
	cout << "Enter Major: " ;
	cin >> S->Major;
void GetStudents(Student array[], int size)
	for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
		cout << "            " << endl;
		cout << "Enter name: ";
		cin.getline(array[i].Name, 30);
		cout << "Enter GPA: ";
		cin >> array[i].GPA;
		cout << "please enter major: " ;
		cin >> array[i].Major;
void PrintStudents(Student array[], int size)
	for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
		cout << array[i].Name << ' ' << array[i].GPA << ' ' << array[i].Major << endl;

i called the function in line 18

Enter name: a
Enter GPA: 3
Enter major: 2

Name: a
GPA: 3
Major: 2

Name: a
GPA: 3
Major: 2

Enter name: b
Enter GPA: 4
Enter Major: 2

Name: b
GPA: 4
Major: 2

Enter name: c
Enter GPA: 2
please enter major: 1

Enter name: d
Enter GPA: 4
please enter major: 3

this is what i get

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