Hi, I am having trouble getting the item and its calories to match. Could anyone tell me what is wrong with this bubble sort? Thanks
int main()
string food[100];
string search;
int calories[100];
int x = -1;
bool look = false;
cout << "Enter a menu item (enter 'done' when finished): ";
getline(cin, food[x]);
if (food[x] != "done")
cout << "Enter the number of calories: ";
cin >> calories[x];
while (food[x] != "done");
int i;
int c;
string tmp;
//bubble sort
for (i=0; i < x; i++)
for (c=0; c < x-i; c++)
if (food[c+1]< food[c])
swap (food[c], food[c+1]);
if (calories[c+1] < calories[c])
swap (calories[c], calories[c+1]);
//binary search
while (look == false)
int upper = x;
cout << "Enter a product to look up: ";
getline(cin, search);
if (search == "done")
look = true;
int lower = 0;
int pos;
pos = ( lower + upper) / 2;
while((food[pos] != search) && (lower <= upper))
if (food[pos] > search)
upper = pos - 1;
lower = pos + 1;
pos = (lower + upper) / 2;
if (food[pos] == search)
cout << food[pos] << " has " << calories[pos] << " calories." << endl;
if (lower > upper)
cout << search << " was not found." << endl;