i have develop a winsock chat and am trying to add a smiley or an emotion to the rich textbox.
can anyone help me out

I saw the modRTFpic module but calling it in my project is the problem now.
i tried txtdialog InsertPicture and vce versa but it is still not working.
can u help me out.
thank you

Please post the relevant within code tags and we will see what we can do for you...

Good Luck

i mean i saw the modul (modRTFpic )
i tried calling it with this line

1. txtdialog InsertPicture and
2. InsertPicture txtdialog

but it is still not working.
can u help me out.
thank you

To begin with, it looks like you are trying to insert a picture into a standard textbox and this code will not work for that. You will need a rich text box (Right Click on toolbox>Components>Microsoft Rich Textbox control>ok).

Dim P As stdPicture
P = LoadPicture(StringVariableThatContainsThePathFileNameToAPictureFIle)
'or P = LoadPicture("PathFileNameToPictureFile")
InsertPicture RTB, P

Good Luck

i decleared
1. Dim P As stdPicture

and under formload i put
2. P = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Smileys\8.bmp")

the smileys is the folder which contain the emotions(smileys) and it's in the project folder

3. InsertPicture txtdialog, P

but is giving me compile error saying "Invalid use of property"

Once again, you cannot insert a picture into a standard picture box! It can only be a rich text box!

Now, where are you recieving the error at? Which line? Have you even tried to debug?

Good Luck

am inserting it into a richtextbox.
i am trying to debug but it is giving me
runtime error "91"
(Object variable or with block variable not set)

when i try inserting this line
1. P = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Smileys\8.bmp")
under formload it gives me complie error (invalid use of property)

when i try inserting this line
1. P = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Smileys\8.bmp")
under formload it gives me complie error (invalid use of property)

Try the following instead:

Set P = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Smileys\8.bmp")

Did you dimension P first as a stdPicture object?
Are the first four references under Project>References the following?
Visual Basic For Applications
Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures
Visual Basic objects and procedures
OLE Automation

Good Luck

it is a richtext box not a normal textbox

BRAVOOO vb5prgrmr and jonifen.
you really did a wonderful job.
my smiley is working now, thanks to you.
i don't know to let you know how relieve i am

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