Hi Everyone! THis is my final program :D
Of course it's not done...but I just wanted some feedback...and any ideas on how to fix my GUI XD...Any help is appreciated ^^. BUt please don't copy lol XD I don't want to get accused of cheating here...if giving out this code is a mistake, I'll let the mods decide what to do.

// copyright buggytoast
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class AirBox extends JFrame {
    private JComboBox destinationComboBox, mealComboBox, classComboBox, dayComboBox, displayComboBox, editComboBox, mealComboBox1, classComboBox1;
    private JTextArea customerArea, searchResultArea;
    private JTextField FirstNameField, LastNameField, mealField, flightField, deleteField, editField, searchField, searchField1, changeNameField;
    // JLABELS
    private JLabel FirstNameLabel, LastNameLabel, mealLabel, classLabel, customerLabel, MHSLabel, CMLabel, flightLabel, deleteLabel, editLabel, searchLabel, searchLabel1;
    private JButton addButton, saveButton, loadButton, deleteButton, searchButton,
            changeLNameButton, newButton, ticketButton;
    private JScrollPane customerListScrollPane;
    private JRadioButton inputRadio, editRadio, searchRadio;
    private ButtonGroup displayGroup;
    private JPanel editPanel, mainPanel, searchPanel;
    private String meal[] = { "Select Meal Type...", "Vegetarian","Meat","Children's Diet","Elderly Diet" };
    private String classS[] = { "Select Class...", "First Class", "Second Class" };
    private String editCh[] = { "Choose Data to edit...","Change First Name","Change Last Name","Change Meal Type"};
    private String display[] = { "Manifest", "Seating Chart"};    
    private String destinations[] = { "Select Destination", "Mae Hong Son", "Chiang Mai"};
    private String meals[] = { "Select Meal", "Normal", "Vegetarian" }; 
    private String classes[] = { "Select Class", "Normal", "Business" };
    private String day[] = { "Select Day...", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
                             "Thursday", "Friday" };
    // INITIALIZE ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream
    private ObjectOutputStream recordfile;
    private ObjectInputStream recordedfile;
    // CREATE count and maximum size of array of objects
    private String outputManifest, outputSeatingArray, outputTicket;
    private int count;
    private int rowCount;
    private int aisleCount;
    private int firstClassRowCount;
    private int firstClassAisleCount;
    private int searchCounter;
    final int size = 44;
    //create string to display flight number
    private String flightNum = "RE-";
    //create int records to keep track of total number of records entered
    private int records;
    // Array of Objects
    private PassengerData List[];
    // Gui Setup
    public AirBox()
        super( "Airlines Reservation");
        // create JTabbed Pane
        JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
        records = 0;
        rowCount = 1;
        aisleCount = 0;
        firstClassRowCount = 6;
        firstClassAisleCount = 0;
        List = new PassengerData[ size ];
        count = -1;
        // set up panel1 and add to JTabbedPane
        JLabel label1 = new JLabel( "RESERVATION PANEL", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
	panel1.add( label1 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( "RESERVING", null, panel1, "FirstPanel");
        // Input a Meal Combobox for Meal Selection
        mealComboBox = new JComboBox( meals );
        panel1.add( mealComboBox );
        mealComboBox.setBounds( 200, 200, 170, 20 );
        mealComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        // Input A destination combobox for destination selection
        destinationComboBox = new JComboBox( destinations );
        panel1.add( destinationComboBox );
        destinationComboBox.setBounds( 200, 200, 170, 20 );
        destinationComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        // Input a Class comboBox for class selection
        classComboBox = new JComboBox( classes );
        panel1.add( classComboBox );
        classComboBox.setBounds( 200, 200, 170, 20 );
        classComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        FirstNameLabel = new JLabel( "First Name:" );
        panel1.add( FirstNameLabel );
        FirstNameLabel.setBounds( 10, 20, 100, 20 );
        FirstNameField = new JTextField();
        panel1.add( FirstNameField );
        FirstNameField.setBounds( 80, 20 , 100, 20);
        LastNameLabel = new JLabel( "Last Name:" );
        panel1.add( LastNameLabel );
        LastNameLabel.setBounds( 10, 50, 100, 20 );
        LastNameField = new JTextField();
        panel1.add( LastNameField );
        LastNameField.setBounds( 80, 50 , 100, 20);
        mealLabel = new JLabel( "Meal Type:" );
        panel1.add( mealLabel );
        mealLabel.setBounds( 10, 80, 100, 20 );
        classLabel = new JLabel( "Class:" );
        panel1.add( classLabel );
        classLabel.setBounds( 10, 110, 100, 20 );
        flightLabel = new JLabel( "Flight:" );
        panel1.add( flightLabel );
        flightLabel.setBounds( 350, 20, 100, 20 );
        flightField = new JTextField();
        panel1.add( flightField );
        flightField.setBounds( 400, 20 , 100, 20);
        flightField.setEditable( false );
        customerLabel = new JLabel( "Passengers" );
        panel1.add( customerLabel );
        customerLabel.setBounds( 250, 20, 100, 20 );
        customerArea = new JTextArea();
        panel1.add( customerArea );
        customerArea.setEditable( false );
        customerArea.setBounds( 250, 50, 300, 400 );
        customerArea.setText( "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n" );
        customerListScrollPane = new JScrollPane( customerArea );
        customerListScrollPane.setBounds( 250, 50, 500, 400 );
        panel1.add( customerListScrollPane );
        addButton = new JButton( "Add..." );
        panel1.add( addButton );
        addButton.setBounds( 50, 200, 100, 20 );
        addButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
        saveButton = new JButton( "Save..." );
        panel1.add( saveButton );
        saveButton.setBounds( 50, 410, 100, 20 );
        saveButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
        newButton = new JButton( "New" );
        panel1.add( newButton );
        newButton.setBounds( 50, 350, 100, 20 );
        newButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
                if( count == -1 ){
                    destinationComboBox.setEnabled( true );
                    count = -1;
                    records = 0;
                    aisleCount = 0;
                    rowCount = 1;
                    firstClassAisleCount = 0;
                    firstClassRowCount = 1;
        /////////////////////////PANEL 1 OVER//////////////////////////////////////////////////
        JLabel label2 = new JLabel( "panel two", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        JPanel panel2 = new JPanel();
	panel2.add( label2 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( "EDITING/DELETING", null, panel2, "SecondPanel");
        editPanel = new JPanel();
        panel2.add( editPanel );
        editPanel.setBounds( 20, 5, 215, 450 );
        editPanel.setLayout( null );
        editPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder( "Edit" ) );
        loadButton = new JButton( "Load..." );
        panel2.add( loadButton );
        loadButton.setBounds( 50, 380, 100, 20 );
        loadButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
                boolean opened = false;
                opened = OpenFile();
                    LoadFromFile( event );
                    records = count + 1;
        deleteLabel = new JLabel( "Input Record Number to Delete" );
        panel2.add( deleteLabel );
        deleteLabel.setBounds( 10, 320, 200, 20 );
        deleteButton = new JButton( "Delete Record" );
        panel2.add( deleteButton );
        deleteButton.setBounds( 10, 380, 200, 20 );
        deleteButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
        deleteField = new JTextField();
        panel2.add( deleteField );
        deleteField.setBounds( 50, 350, 100, 20 );
        editLabel = new JLabel( "Choose record # to edit" );
        panel2.add( editLabel );
        editLabel.setBounds( 10, 15, 200, 20 );
        editField = new JTextField();
        panel2.add( editField );
        editField.setBounds( 10, 40, 100, 20 );
        inputRadio = new JRadioButton( "Input", true );
        panel2.add( inputRadio );
        inputRadio.setBounds( 30, 455, 60, 20 );
        inputRadio.addItemListener( new SelectedInputRadio() );
        editRadio = new JRadioButton( "Edit", false );
        panel2.add( editRadio );
        editRadio.setBounds( 90, 455, 50, 20 );
        editRadio.addItemListener( new SelectedEditRadio() );
        searchRadio = new JRadioButton( "Search", false );
        panel2.add( searchRadio );
        searchRadio.setBounds( 140, 455, 80, 20 );
        searchRadio.addItemListener( new SelectedSearchRadio() );
        displayGroup = new ButtonGroup();
        displayGroup.add( inputRadio );
        displayGroup.add( searchRadio );
        displayGroup.add( editRadio );
        JLabel label3 = new JLabel( "panel three", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        JPanel panel3 = new JPanel();
	panel3.add( label3 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( "CALCULATE TICKET PRICE", null, panel3, "ThirdPanel");
        JLabel label4 = new JLabel( "panel four", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        JPanel panel4 = new JPanel();
	panel4.add( label4 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( "Thursday", null, panel4, "FourthPanel");
        JLabel label5 = new JLabel( "panel five", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        JPanel panel5 = new JPanel();
	panel5.add( label5 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( "Friday", null, panel5, "FivePanel");
        getContentPane().add( tabbedPane );
        setSize( 500,400 );
        setVisible( true );
    public void noDate(){
        dayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        newButton.setEnabled( true );
    public void dataEditable(){
        editRadio.setEnabled( true );
        searchRadio.setEnabled( true );
        deleteButton.setEnabled( true );
        deleteField.setEditable( true );
        searchButton.setEnabled( true );
        searchField.setEditable( true );
        searchField1.setEditable( true );
        editPanel.setVisible( false );
        searchPanel.setVisible( false );
        newButton.setEnabled( true );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( true );
    //method for disabling contents if there is no data
    public void noData(){
        destinationComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        addButton.setEnabled( false );
        saveButton.setEnabled( false );
        deleteButton.setEnabled( false );
        FirstNameField.setEditable( false );
        LastNameField.setEditable( false );
        classComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        mealComboBox.setEnabled( false );        
        deleteField.setEditable( false );
        searchButton.setEnabled( false );
        searchField.setEditable( false );
        searchField1.setEditable( false );
        ticketButton.setEnabled( false );
        searchPanel.setVisible( false );
        editPanel.setVisible( false );
        newButton.setEnabled( true );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        editRadio.setEnabled( false );
        searchRadio.setEnabled( false );
    public void noData1(){
        destinationComboBox.setEnabled( true );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        addButton.setEnabled( false );
        saveButton.setEnabled( false );
        deleteButton.setEnabled( false );
        FirstNameField.setEditable( false );
        LastNameField.setEditable( false );
        classComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        mealComboBox.setEnabled( false );        
        deleteField.setEditable( false );
        searchButton.setEnabled( false );
        searchField.setEditable( false );
        searchField1.setEditable( false );
        ticketButton.setEnabled( false );
        searchPanel.setVisible( false );
        editPanel.setVisible( false );
        newButton.setEnabled( true );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        editRadio.setEnabled( false );
        searchRadio.setEnabled( false );
    //method for selecting day and setting the flight number
    public void resetSeatCounters(){
        aisleCount = 0;
        rowCount = 1;
        firstClassAisleCount = 0;
        firstClassRowCount = 6;
    public void FlightDayChanged( ItemEvent event){
        if( ( event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED ) &&
                dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 0 ){
                addButton.setEnabled( true );
                saveButton.setEnabled( true );
                loadButton.setEnabled( true );
                FirstNameField.setEditable( true );
                LastNameField.setEditable( true );
                classComboBox.setEnabled( true );
                mealComboBox.setEnabled( true );
                //flightComboBox.setEnabled( true );
                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ){
                    if ( destinationComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "MO";

                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 2 ){
                    if ( destinationComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "TU";
                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 3 ){
                    if ( destinationComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "WE";
                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 4 ){
                    if ( destinationComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "TH";
                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 5 ){
                    if ( destinationComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "FR";
    //method actions of JRadioButtons
    public void FlightDestinationChanged( ItemEvent event){
        if( ( event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED ) &&
                destinationComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 0 ){
                 dayComboBox.setEnabled( true );
    public void EditTypeChanged( ItemEvent event){
            if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, 
                       "Please choose a valid record" + " to edit" );
                editComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
            else if( ( event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED ) &&
                editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 0 ){
                 if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ){
                     changeNameField.setVisible( true );
                     changeNameField.setEditable( true );
                     mealComboBox1.setVisible( false );
                 if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 2 ){
                     changeNameField.setVisible( true );
                     changeNameField.setEditable( true );
                     mealComboBox1.setVisible( false );
                 if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 3 ){
                     changeNameField.setVisible( false );
                     changeNameField.setEditable( false );
                     mealComboBox1.setVisible( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    public void DisplayTypeChanged( ItemEvent event ){
        if( ( event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED ) ){
                 if( displayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 0 ){
                 if( displayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ){
    public void editData(){
        if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ){
        if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 2 ){
        if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 3 ){
    //method for adding customer to array List and displaying information
    private class SelectedInputRadio implements ItemListener{
        public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e){
            mainPanel.setVisible( true );
            editPanel.setVisible( false );
    private class SelectedEditRadio implements ItemListener{
        public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e){
            mainPanel.setVisible( false );
            searchPanel.setVisible( false );
            editPanel.setVisible( true );
    private class SelectedSearchRadio implements ItemListener{
        public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e){
            mainPanel.setVisible( false );
            searchPanel.setVisible( true );
    public void addCustomer(){
        if( count < size - 1 ){
            String name = FirstNameField.getText();
            String lname = LastNameField.getText();
            String mealT = meal[ mealComboBox.getSelectedIndex() ];
            String classt = classS[ classComboBox.getSelectedIndex() ];
            String seatChosen = returnSeat( classComboBox.getSelectedIndex() );
            //check if data has been entered
            if ( name.equals( "" ) || lname.equals( "" ) || mealComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 0 
                 || classComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 0 ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter in all of" + 
                " the information for this passenger" );
            else if( seatChosen.equals( "" ) )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Class Full" );
                List[ count ] = new PassengerData( name, lname, mealT, seatChosen, classt, flightNum, 1 );
                FirstNameField.setText( "" );
                LastNameField.setText( "" );
                //create string for display
                outputManifest = ( count + 1 ) + ".  " + List[ count ].getLastName() +
                ", " + List[ count ].getFirstName() + "\t\t" + List[ count ].getMealType() + "\t" + classt +
                "\t" + List[ count ].getSeat() + "\n";
                customerArea.append( outputManifest );//display string output
        //create error message if plane is full
        if( count == ( size - 1 ) ){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The plane is full" );
            FirstNameField.setEditable( false );
            LastNameField.setEditable( false );
            mealComboBox.setEnabled( false );
            classComboBox.setEnabled( false );
            addButton.setEnabled( false );
            saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        mealComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        classComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        flightField.setText( flightNum );
        dayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        destinationComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        saveButton.setEnabled( true );
    //method for initializing string flightNum
    public void ResetFlightNum(){
        flightNum = "RE-";
    public String returnSeat( int classC ){
        String seatReturn;
        int aisle = 0;
        int row = 0;
        if( classC == 1 ){
            if( aisleCount == 5 ){
                aisleCount = 1;
                if( rowCount == 6 ){
                    rowCount = 12;                    
            aisle = aisleCount;
            row = rowCount;
        else if( classC == 2){
            if( firstClassAisleCount == 5 ){
                firstClassAisleCount = 1;
                if( firstClassRowCount == 12 ){
                    rowCount = 13;                    
            aisle = firstClassAisleCount;
            row = firstClassRowCount;
        if( row == 12 || row == 13 ){
            seatReturn = "";
            seatReturn = "Row: " + row + " Seat: " + aisle;
        return seatReturn;
    //method for opening files for loading List
    public boolean OpenFile(){
        JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
        fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
        int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
        if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
            return false;
        File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
        //display error messages if any errors occur while loading the file
        if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name", 
                               "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                recordedfile = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream( fileName ) );
                return true;
            catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File", 
                                           "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
        return true;
    //method for opening the file for saving list
    public void OpenFile1(){
        JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
        fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
        fileChooser.setDialogType( JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG );
        int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
        if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
        File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
        if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name", 
                               "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                recordfile = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( fileName ) );
            catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File", 
                                           "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
    //method for saving information
    public void SaveToFile( ActionEvent event ){
        boolean done = false;
        for( int counter = 0; counter < records; counter++ ){
            try{//save list and flight num to database
                recordfile.writeObject( List[ counter ] );
                recordfile.writeObject( flightNum );
                done = true;
            catch( IOException ioException ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error writing to file",
                                    "IO Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        if( done ){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Records Saved!!!",
                                    "File Access", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
            saveButton.setEnabled( false );
        dayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        destinationComboBox.setEnabled( false );
    //close file after loading or saving is done
    public void CloseFile(){
            System.exit( 0 );
        catch( IOException ioException ){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Closing File", "Error",
                                            JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
            System.exit( 1 );
    //method for loading information from an existing file
    public void LoadFromFile(ActionEvent event){
        boolean done = false;
        count = -1;
        while( !done ){
                List[ count ] = ( PassengerData ) recordedfile.readObject();
                flightNum = ( String ) recordedfile.readObject();
            catch( EOFException endOfFileException ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "All records loaded from file!", "End of File", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
                done = true;
            catch( ClassNotFoundException classNotFoundException ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Unable to create object!",
                                "Class Not Found", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

            catch( IOException ioException ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Error during read from file!", "Read Error", 
                                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
        addButton.setEnabled( true );
        deleteButton.setEnabled( true );
        dayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        destinationComboBox.setEnabled( false );
    //clear data when creating new list of passengers
    public void ClearData(){
        FirstNameField.setText( "" );
        LastNameField.setText( "" );
        mealComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        classComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        customerArea.setText( "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n" );
        flightField.setText( "" );
        deleteField.setText( "" );
        searchField.setText( "" );
        searchField1.setText( "" );
        dayComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        if ( destinationComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
            destinationComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
    //allow data to be entered
    public void dataEntryAllowed(){
        FirstNameField.setEditable( true );
        LastNameField.setEditable( true );
        mealComboBox.setEnabled( true );
        classComboBox.setEnabled( true );
    public void displaySeatingChart(){
        String seat;
        String output;        
        int aisle;
        int row;
        PassengerData seating[][] = new PassengerData[11][4];
        for( int rows = 0; rows < 11; rows++){
            for( int column = 0; column < 4; column++ ){
                  seating[ rows ][ column ] = new PassengerData( "", "", "", "", "", "", 0 );
        output = "\tSeat 1\tSeat 2\tSeat 3\tSeat 4\n\n";
        for( int counter = 0; counter <= count; counter++ ){
            seat = List[ counter ].getSeat();
            row = Integer.parseInt(seat.substring( 5, 6 ));
            aisle = Integer.parseInt( seat.substring( 13 , 14 ) );
            seating[row - 1][aisle - 1] = List[ counter ];
        for( int rows = 0; rows < 11; rows++){
            output += "Row " + ( rows + 1 ) + "\t  ";
            if( rows == 6)
                output += "------------First Class-------------\nRow " + ( rows + 1 ) + "\t  ";
            for( int column = 0; column < 4; column++ ){
                if( seating[rows][column].getCheckEnter() == 0 )
                    output += "Empty Seat\t";
                    if( column == 1 ){
                        output += seating[rows][column].getLastName().toUpperCase() + ", " +
                              seating[rows][column].getFirstName().toUpperCase() + "\t";
                        output += seating[rows][column].getLastName().toUpperCase() + ", " +
                              seating[rows][column].getFirstName().toUpperCase() + "\t";
                output += "\n\n";           
        customerArea.setText( output );
    public void displayTicket(){
        String output;
        String destination;
        String origin;
        if( Integer.parseInt(List[ searchCounter ].getflightNo().substring(3,4)) == 1 ){
            destination = "Mae Hong Song";
            origin = "Chiang Mai";

            destination = "Chiang Mai";
            origin = "Mae Hong Song";
        output = "<<<<<<<<<<REGIONAL EXPRESS AIRLINES>>>>>>>>>>\n" + "Flight: " + 
                 List[ searchCounter ].getflightNo() + "\tDestination: " + destination + "\tOrigin " + origin + "\tClass: " +  
                 List[ searchCounter ].getClassType() + "\n\nDay: " +
                 List[ searchCounter ].getflightNo().substring(4,6) + "\nPASSENGER INFO\nLast Name: " +
                 List[ searchCounter ].getLastName() + "\tFirst Name: " + List[ searchCounter ].getFirstName();
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, output, "REGIONAL EXPRESS AIRLINES TICKET", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE );
    //display information when a file has been loaded
    public void displayManifest(){
       String output = "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n";
       for( int counter = 0; counter <= count; counter++ ){
            output += ( counter + 1 ) + ".  " + List[ counter ].getLastName() +
            ", " + List[ counter ].getFirstName() + "\t\t" +
            List[ counter ].getMealType() +
            "\t" + List[ counter ].getClassType() + "\t" + List[ counter ].getSeat() + "\n";
       customerArea.setText( output );
    public void displayInfo(){
        flightField.setText( flightNum );
        String output = "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n";
        customerArea.setText( output );
        for( int counter = 0; counter < count; counter++ ){
            output = ( counter + 1 ) + ".  " + List[ counter ].getLastName() +
            ", " + List[ counter ].getFirstName() + "\t\t" +
            List[ counter ].getMealType() +
            "\t" + List[ counter ].getClassType() + "\t" + List[ counter ].getSeat() + "\n";
            customerArea.append( output );
    //delete an existing record on list
    public void deleteRecord(){
        //displays error message if incorrect int or data entered
        int record = Integer.parseInt( deleteField.getText() );
        if ( record > records )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Record number " + record
            + " does not exist" );
            List[ record - 1 ] = List[ records - 1 ];
            if( records == 0 ){
                searchRadio.setEnabled( false );
                mainPanel.setVisible( true );
                editPanel.setVisible( false );
                editRadio.setEnabled( false );
                inputRadio.setSelected( true );
            saveButton.setEnabled( true );

        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //edit name at specific record
    public void editName(){
            int edit = Integer.parseInt( editField.getText() );
            if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) || edit > records  )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, 
                       "Please choose a valid record" + " to edit" );
                String name = changeNameField.getText();
                String lname = List[ edit - 1 ].getLastName();
                String meal = List[ edit - 1 ].getMealType();
                String seat = List[ edit - 1 ].getSeat();
                String classT = List[ edit - 1 ].getClassType();
                if ( name.equals( "" ) )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, 
                       "Please enter in all of" + " the information required" );
                    List[ edit - 1 ] = 
                                    new PassengerData( name, lname, meal, seat, classT, flightNum, 1 );
                saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //edit last name at a specific record
    public void editLName(){
            int edit = Integer.parseInt( editField.getText() );
            if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) || edit > records )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please choose a valid record" +
                " to edit" );
                String name = List[ edit - 1 ].getFirstName();
                String lname = changeNameField.getText();
                String meal = List[ edit - 1 ].getMealType();
                String seat = List[ edit - 1 ].getSeat();
                String classT = List[ edit - 1].getClassType();
            if ( lname.equals( "" ) )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter in all of" + 
                " the information required" );
                List[ edit - 1 ] = new PassengerData( name, lname, meal, seat, classT, flightNum, 1 );
                saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //edit meal at a specific record
    public void editMeal(){
        int edit = Integer.parseInt( editField.getText() );
        if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) || edit > records )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please choose a valid record" +
            " to edit" );
        String name = List[ edit - 1 ].getFirstName();
        String lname = List[ edit - 1 ].getLastName();
        String mealC = meal[ mealComboBox1.getSelectedIndex() ];
        String seat = List[ edit - 1 ].getSeat();
        String classT = List[ edit - 1].getClassType();
        if ( meal.equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter in all of" + 
            " the information required" );
            List[ edit - 1 ] = new PassengerData( name, lname, mealC, seat, classT, flightNum, 1 );
            saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //edit seat number at a specific record
    public void editSeat(){
        int edit = Integer.parseInt( editField.getText() );
        if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) || edit > records )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please choose a valid record" +
            " to edit" );
        String name = List[ edit - 1 ].getFirstName();
        String lname = List[ edit - 1 ].getLastName();
        String meal = List[ edit - 1 ].getMealType();
        String seat = changeNameField.getText();
        String classT = List[ edit - 1].getClassType();
        if ( seat.equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter in all of" + 
            " the information required" );
            List[ edit - 1 ] = new PassengerData( name, lname, meal, seat, classT, flightNum, 1 );
            saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //search for record
    public void searchRecord(){
        String output = "";
        String key = searchField.getText() + " " + searchField1.getText() ;
        int found = 0;
        //display an error message if information not filled in
        if( searchField.getText().equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter the First name" );
        else if ( searchField1.getText().equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter the Last name" );
        for( int count = 0; count <= records - 1; count++ ){
            if ( key.equals( List[ count ].getFirstName() + " " +
                List[ count ].getLastName() ) )
                found = count + 1;
        if ( found != 0 ){
            output = "\n" + found + key + List[ found - 1 ].getSeat();
            searchResultArea.append( output );
            searchCounter = found - 1;
            searchResultArea.append("\nCustomer not found");
    //compares seat entered to seat numbers on list to check if already exists
    public void checkSeat1(){
        String seat = changeNameField.getText();
        boolean found = false;
        for ( int count = 0; count < records; count ++ )
            if ( seat.equals( List[ count ].getSeat() ) )
                found = true;
        if( found == true )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The seat entered has already" +
                    " been reserved" );
    public static void main( String args[] )
        AirBox tabbedPaneDemo = new AirBox();

Do you have another classed PassengerData? If so, you need to post it so when can run the program, or even better, you could post a screenshot of the GUI.


import java.io.Serializable;
import javax.swing.*;

public class PassengerData implements Serializable
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private String mealType;
    private String seat;
    private String classType;
    private String flightNo;
    private int checkEnter;
    public PassengerData() {
        firstName = "";
        lastName = "";
        mealType = "";
        seat = "";
        classType = "";
        flightNo = "";
        checkEnter = 0;
    public PassengerData( String fName, String lName, String mealT, String sT, String classT, String flightN, int checkE )
        setRecord( fName, lName, mealT, sT, classT, flightN, checkE );
    public void setRecord( String fName, String lName, String mealT, String sT, String classT, String flightN, int checkE )
        firstName = fName;
        lastName = lName;
        mealType = mealT;
        seat = sT;        
        classType = classT;
        flightNo = flightN;
        checkEnter = checkE;
     public String getFirstName()
        return firstName;

    public String getLastName()
        return lastName;

    public String getMealType()
        return mealType;
    public String getSeat()
        return seat;
    public String getClassType()
        return classType;
    public String getflightNo()
        return flightNo;
    public int getCheckEnter(){
        return checkEnter;

Alright, I see what your saying now. At first I was going to say some nested JPanels, but I think it's too good of a project to go down that road. Since you need a lot of control as to were these components go, I would suggest using the setBounds() method. It lets you place components anywere you like; it even lets you decide the width and the height of the component. Of course it will take some trial and error to get the components were you like! Anyways, the project looks great so far. I can tell you've spent a lot of time on it. Keep up the good work.

Here is a sample of the setbounds:

JButton btn = new JButton("Button");

The setbounds looks like this:
setBounds(int X, int Y, int width, int height);

Now, with the setbounds, you DON'T use a layout manager. You simply set the layout manager to null.

It's important to remember that.

The program is 90% done :D...everything works except for one little thing...
THe date doesn't appear to be working :( I tried messing around with the true false but it doesn't seem to have any affect....any one know the problem? Any help would be appreciated :D

// Comsci Dossier

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
import java.text.*;

public class AirBox extends JFrame {
    private JComboBox destinationComboBox, mealComboBox, classComboBox, dayComboBox, displayComboBox, editComboBox, mealComboBox1, classComboBox1, flightComboBox;
    private JTextArea customerArea, searchResultArea, manifestArea;
    private JTextField FirstNameField, LastNameField, mealField, flightField, deleteField, editField, searchField, searchField1, changeNameField;
    // JLABELS
    private JLabel FirstNameLabel, LastNameLabel, mealLabel, classLabel, customerLabel, MHSLabel, CMLabel, flightLabel, deleteLabel, editLabel, searchLabel, searchLabel1, businessNameJLabel;
    private JButton addButton, saveButton, loadButton, deleteButton, searchButton,
            changeLastNameButton, newButton, ticketButton;
    private JScrollPane customerListScrollPane;
    private JRadioButton inputRadio, editRadio, searchRadio;
    private ButtonGroup displayGroup;
    private JPanel editPanel, mainPanel, searchPanel;
    private String meal[] = { "Select Meal Type...", "Vegetarian","Meat" };
    private String classS[] = { "Select Class...", "Business Class", "Second Class" };
    private String editCh[] = { "Choose Data to edit...","Change First Name","Change Last Name","Change Meal Type"};
    private String display[] = { "Manifest", "Seating Chart"};    
    private String destinations[] = { "Select Destination", "Mae Hong Son", "Chiang Mai"};
    private String meals[] = { "Select Meal", "Normal", "Vegetarian" }; 
    private String classes[] = { "Select Class", "Normal", "Business" };
    private String day[] = { "Select Day...", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
                             "Thursday", "Friday" };
    // INITIALIZE ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream
    private ObjectOutputStream recordfile;
    private ObjectInputStream recordedfile;
    // CREATE count and maximum size of array of objects
    private String outputManifest, outputSeatingArray, outputTicket;
    private int count;
    private int rowCount;
    private int aisleCount;
    private int businessClassRowCount;
    private int businessClassAisleCount;
    private int searchCounter; 
    final int size = 44; // 44 maximum passengers on a plane
    //create string to display flight number
    private String flightNum = "Flight ";
    //create int records to keep track of total number of records entered
    private int records;
    private JLabel BusinessClassJLabel; // JLabel that displays an image
    private JLabel BusinessClass2JLabel; // JLabel that displays an image
    // JLabel and JTextField for order number
   private JLabel orderJLabel;
   private JTextField orderJTextField;

   // JLabel and JTextField for name
   private JLabel nameJLabel;
   private JTextField nameJTextField;

   // JLabel and JTextField for addressline1
   private JLabel addressLine1JLabel;
   private JTextField addressLine1JTextField;

   // JLabel and JTextField for addressLine2
   private JLabel addressLine2JLabel;
   private JTextField addressLine2JTextField;
   //JLabel for product name
   private JLabel productNameJLabel;
   //JLabel for productQuantity
   private JLabel productQuantityJLabel;
    //JLabel for productPrice
   private JLabel productPriceJLabel;
    //JLabel for orderTotals
   private JLabel orderTotalsJLabel;
   // JCheckBox and JLabel for BusinessClass
   private JCheckBox BusinessClassJCheckBox;
   private JLabel BusinessClassPriceJLabel;
   // JCheckBox and JLabel for EconomicClass
   private JCheckBox EconomicClassJCheckBox;
   private JLabel EconomicClassPriceJLabel;
   //JTextField for BusinessClassquantity
   private JTextField BusinessClassquantityJTextField;
   //JTextField for EconomicClassquantity
   private JTextField EconomicClassquantityJTextField;
   //JTextField for BusinessClassprice
   private JTextField BusinessClasspriceJTextField;
   //JTextField for EconomicClassprice
   private JTextField EconomicClasspriceJTextField;
   //JTextField for BusinessClassTotals
   private JTextField BusinessClassTotalsJTextField;
   //JTextField for EconomicClassTotals
   private JTextField EconomicClassTotalsJTextField;
   // JLabel and JTextField for subtotal
   private JLabel subtotalJLabel;
   private JTextField subtotalJTextField;
   // JLabel and JTextField for vat
   private JLabel vatJLabel;
   private JTextField vatJTextField;
   // JLabel and JTextField for total
   private JLabel totalJLabel;
   private JTextField totalJTextField;
   // JButton to initiate calculation
   private JButton calculateJButton;
    // Array of Objects
    private PassengerData List[];
    // Gui Setup
    public AirBox()
        super( "Airlines Reservation");
        // create JTabbed Pane
        JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
        records = 0;
        rowCount = 1;
        aisleCount = 0;
        businessClassRowCount = 6;
        businessClassAisleCount = 0;
        List = new PassengerData[ size ];
        count = -1;
        // set up panel1 and add to JTabbedPane
        JLabel label1 = new JLabel( "RESERVATION PANEL");
        JPanel panel1 = new JPanel( null ); 
	panel1.add( label1 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( "RESERVATION FOR PASSENGER", null, panel1, "FirstPanel");

        // Input a Meal Combobox for Meal Selection
        mealComboBox = new JComboBox( meals );
        panel1.add( mealComboBox );
        mealComboBox.setBounds( 80, 80, 100, 20 );
        mealComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        // Input A destination combobox for destination selection
        destinationComboBox = new JComboBox( destinations );
        panel1.add( destinationComboBox );
        destinationComboBox.setBounds( 50, 150, 170, 20 );
        destinationComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        // Input a Class comboBox for class selection
        classComboBox = new JComboBox( classes );
        panel1.add( classComboBox );
        classComboBox.setBounds( 80, 110 , 100, 20 );
        classComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        FirstNameLabel = new JLabel( "First Name:" );
        panel1.add( FirstNameLabel );
        FirstNameLabel.setBounds( 10, 20, 100, 20 );
        FirstNameField = new JTextField();
        panel1.add( FirstNameField );
        FirstNameField.setBounds( 80, 20 , 100, 20);
        LastNameLabel = new JLabel( "Last Name:" );
        panel1.add( LastNameLabel );
        LastNameLabel.setBounds( 10, 50, 100, 20 );
        LastNameField = new JTextField();
        panel1.add( LastNameField );
        LastNameField.setBounds( 80, 50 , 100, 20);
        mealLabel = new JLabel( "Meal Type:" );
        panel1.add( mealLabel );
        mealLabel.setBounds( 10, 80, 100, 20 );
        classLabel = new JLabel( "Class:" );
        panel1.add( classLabel );
        classLabel.setBounds( 10, 110, 100, 20 );
        flightLabel = new JLabel( "Flight:" );
        panel1.add( flightLabel );
        flightLabel.setBounds( 350, 20, 100, 20 );
        flightField = new JTextField();
        panel1.add( flightField );
        flightField.setBounds( 400, 20 , 100, 20);
        flightField.setEditable( false );
        customerLabel = new JLabel( "Passengers" );
        panel1.add( customerLabel );
        customerLabel.setBounds( 250, 20, 100, 20 );
        customerArea = new JTextArea();
        panel1.add( customerArea );
        customerArea.setEditable( false );
        customerArea.setBounds( 250, 50, 300, 400 );
        customerArea.setText( "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n" );
        customerListScrollPane = new JScrollPane( customerArea );
        customerListScrollPane.setBounds( 250, 50, 400, 100 );
        panel1.add( customerListScrollPane );
        addButton = new JButton( "Add..." );
        panel1.add( addButton );
        addButton.setBounds( 50, 200, 100, 20 );
        addButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
        saveButton = new JButton( "Save..." );
        panel1.add( saveButton );
        saveButton.setBounds( 50, 220, 100, 20 );
        saveButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
        newButton = new JButton( "New" );
        panel1.add( newButton );
        newButton.setBounds( 150, 220, 100, 20 );
        newButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
                if( count == -1 ){
                    destinationComboBox.setEnabled( true );
                    count = -1;
                    records = 0;
                    aisleCount = 0;
                    rowCount = 1;
                    businessClassAisleCount = 0;
                    businessClassRowCount = 1;
        dayComboBox = new JComboBox( day );
        panel1.add( dayComboBox );
        dayComboBox.setBounds( 50, 170, 170, 20 );
        dayComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        dayComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener(){
            public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ){
                FlightDayChanged( event );
        /////////////////////////PANEL 1 OVER//////////////////////////////////////////////////
        JLabel label2 = new JLabel( "panel two", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        JPanel panel2 = new JPanel( null );
	panel2.add( label2 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( "EDITING || DELETING || SEARCHING", null, panel2, "SecondPanel");
        editLabel = new JLabel( "Choose record # to edit" );
        panel2.add( editLabel );
        editLabel.setBounds( 40, 15, 200, 20 );
        editField = new JTextField();
        panel2.add( editField );
        editField.setBounds( 40, 40, 100, 20 );
        deleteLabel = new JLabel( "Input Record Number to Delete" );
        panel2.add( deleteLabel );
        deleteLabel.setBounds( 40, 160, 200, 20 );
        deleteButton = new JButton( "Delete Record" );
        panel2.add( deleteButton );
        deleteButton.setBounds( 30, 220, 200, 20 );
        deleteButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
        deleteField = new JTextField();
        panel2.add( deleteField );
        deleteField.setBounds( 40, 200, 100, 20 );
        editPanel = new JPanel();
        panel2.add( editPanel );
        editPanel.setBounds( 20, 5, 215, 250 );
        editPanel.setLayout( null );
        editPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder( "Edit" ) );
        loadButton = new JButton( "Load..." );
        panel1.add( loadButton );
        loadButton.setBounds( 150, 200, 100, 20 );
        loadButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
                boolean opened = false;
                opened = OpenFile();
                    LoadFromFile( event );
                    records = count + 1;
        inputRadio = new JRadioButton( "Input", true );
        panel1.add( inputRadio );
        inputRadio.setBounds( 10000, 455, 60, 20 );
        inputRadio.addItemListener( new SelectedInputRadio() );
        editRadio = new JRadioButton( "Edit", false );
        panel2.add( editRadio );
        editRadio.setBounds(0, 280, 50, 20 );
        editRadio.addItemListener( new SelectedEditRadio() );
        searchRadio = new JRadioButton( "Search", false );
        panel2.add( searchRadio );
        searchRadio.setBounds(0, 300, 80, 20 );
        searchRadio.addItemListener( new SelectedSearchRadio() );
        displayGroup = new ButtonGroup();
        displayGroup.add( inputRadio );
        displayGroup.add( searchRadio );
        displayGroup.add( editRadio );
       mealComboBox1 = new JComboBox( meal );
        editPanel.add( mealComboBox1 );
        mealComboBox1.setBounds( 10, 100, 100, 20 );
        mealComboBox1.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        editComboBox = new JComboBox( editCh );
        editPanel.add( editComboBox );
        editComboBox.setBounds( 10, 70, 180, 20 );
        editComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        editComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener(){
            public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ){
        changeNameField = new JTextField();
        editPanel.add( changeNameField );
        changeNameField.setBounds( 10, 100, 100, 20 );
        changeNameField.setEditable( false );
        changeLastNameButton = new JButton("Edit File");
        editPanel.add( changeLastNameButton );
        changeLastNameButton.setBounds( 10, 130, 180, 20 );
        changeLastNameButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
        searchLabel = new JLabel( "First Name" );
        panel2.add( searchLabel );
        searchLabel.setBounds( 330, 70, 100, 20 );
        searchLabel1 = new JLabel( "Last Name" );
        panel2.add( searchLabel1 );
        searchLabel1.setBounds( 330, 100, 100, 20 );
        searchField = new JTextField();
        panel2.add( searchField );
        searchField.setBounds( 400, 70, 100, 20 );
        searchField1 = new JTextField();
        panel2.add( searchField1 );
        searchField1.setBounds( 400, 100, 100, 20 );
        searchButton = new JButton( "Search" );
        panel2.add( searchButton );
        searchButton.setBounds( 330, 40, 100, 20 );
        searchButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event ){
                ticketButton.setEnabled( true );
        searchResultArea = new JTextArea();
        panel2.add( searchResultArea );
        searchResultArea.setEditable( false );
        searchResultArea.setBounds( 315, 160, 190, 120 );
        searchResultArea.setText( "#         Name         Seat" );
        searchPanel = new JPanel();
        panel2.add( searchPanel );
        searchPanel.setBounds( 300, 5, 215, 300 );
        searchPanel.setLayout( null );
        searchPanel.setBorder( new TitledBorder( "Search" ) );
        JLabel label3 = new JLabel( "panel three", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        JPanel panel3 = new JPanel( null );
	panel3.add( label3 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( " SEAT CHART", null, panel3, "Seating Chart");
        customerLabel = new JLabel( "Passengers" );
        panel3.add( customerLabel );
        customerLabel.setBounds( 250, 20, 100, 20 );
        manifestArea = new JTextArea();
        panel3.add( manifestArea);
        manifestArea.setEditable( false );
        manifestArea.setBounds( 250, 50, 300, 400 );
        manifestArea.setText( "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n" );
        customerListScrollPane = new JScrollPane( manifestArea );
        customerListScrollPane.setBounds( 10, 50, 650, 250 );
        panel3.add( customerListScrollPane );
        displayComboBox = new JComboBox( display );
        panel3.add( displayComboBox );
        displayComboBox.setBounds( 250, 300, 170, 20 );
        displayComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        displayComboBox.addItemListener( new ItemListener(){
            public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent event ){
                DisplayTypeChanged( event );
        JLabel label4 = new JLabel( "panel three", SwingConstants.CENTER );
        JPanel panel4 = new JPanel( null );
	panel4.add( label4 );
        tabbedPane.addTab( " CALCULATE TICKET PRICE", null, panel4, "FourthPanel");
        BusinessClassJLabel = new JLabel();
      BusinessClassJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "BusinessClass.jpg" ) );
      BusinessClassJLabel.setBounds( 10, 100, 100, 100 );
      BusinessClassJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
      panel4.add( BusinessClassJLabel );

      // set up nameJLabel
      nameJLabel = new JLabel();
      nameJLabel.setBounds( 26, 10, 130, 21 );
      nameJLabel.setText( "Name:" );
      panel4.add( nameJLabel );

      // set up nameJTextField
      nameJTextField = new JTextField();
      nameJTextField.setBounds( 120, 10, 220, 21 );
      nameJTextField.setText( "" );
      panel4.add( nameJTextField );

      // set up addressLine1JLabel
      addressLine1JLabel = new JLabel();
      addressLine1JLabel.setBounds( 26, 40, 120, 21 );
      addressLine1JLabel.setText( "Address Line 1:" );
      panel4.add( addressLine1JLabel );

      // set up addressLine1JTextField
      addressLine1JTextField = new JTextField();
      addressLine1JTextField.setBounds( 120, 40, 220, 21 );
      addressLine1JTextField.setText( "" );
      panel4.add( addressLine1JTextField );
      // set up addressLine2JLabel
      addressLine2JLabel = new JLabel();
      addressLine2JLabel.setBounds( 26, 70, 120, 21 );
      addressLine2JLabel.setText( "Address Line 2:" );
      panel4.add( addressLine2JLabel );

      // set up addressLine2JTextField
      addressLine2JTextField = new JTextField();
      addressLine2JTextField.setBounds( 120, 70, 220, 21 );
      addressLine2JTextField.setText( "" );
      panel4.add( addressLine2JTextField );
       // set up productNameJLabel
      productNameJLabel = new JLabel();
      productNameJLabel.setBounds( 26, 125, 64, 21 );
      productNameJLabel.setText( "Product" );
      panel4.add( productNameJLabel );
      // set up productQuantityJLabel
      productQuantityJLabel = new JLabel();
      productQuantityJLabel.setBounds( 160, 125, 64, 21 );
      productQuantityJLabel.setText( "Quantity" );
      panel4.add( productQuantityJLabel );
       // set up productPriceJLabel
      productPriceJLabel = new JLabel();
      productPriceJLabel.setBounds( 260, 125, 64, 21 );
      productPriceJLabel.setText( "Price" );
      panel4.add( productPriceJLabel );
       // set up orderTotalsJLabel
      orderTotalsJLabel = new JLabel();
      orderTotalsJLabel.setBounds( 360, 125, 64, 21 );
      orderTotalsJLabel.setText( "Totals" );
      panel4.add( orderTotalsJLabel );
      // set up BusinessClassJCheckBox
      BusinessClassJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
      BusinessClassJCheckBox.setBounds( 26, 160, 122, 24 );
      BusinessClassJCheckBox.setText( "BusinessClass" );
      panel4.add( BusinessClassJCheckBox );
       // set up EconomicClassJCheckBox
      EconomicClassJCheckBox = new JCheckBox();
      EconomicClassJCheckBox.setBounds( 26, 200, 122, 24 );
      EconomicClassJCheckBox.setText( "EconomicClass" );
      panel4.add( EconomicClassJCheckBox );
      // set up BusinessClassquantityJTextField
      BusinessClassquantityJTextField = new JTextField();
      BusinessClassquantityJTextField.setBounds( 160, 160, 56, 21 );
      BusinessClassquantityJTextField.setText( "0" );
      BusinessClassquantityJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( BusinessClassquantityJTextField );
       // set up EconomicClassquantityJTextField
      EconomicClassquantityJTextField = new JTextField();
      EconomicClassquantityJTextField.setBounds( 160, 200, 56, 21 );
      EconomicClassquantityJTextField.setText( "0" );
      EconomicClassquantityJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( EconomicClassquantityJTextField );
      // set up BusinessClasspriceJTextField
      BusinessClasspriceJTextField = new JTextField();
      BusinessClasspriceJTextField.setBounds( 260, 160, 56, 21 );
      BusinessClasspriceJTextField.setText( "$350.00" );
      BusinessClasspriceJTextField.setEditable( false );
      BusinessClasspriceJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( BusinessClasspriceJTextField );
      // set up EconomicClasspriceJTextField
      EconomicClasspriceJTextField = new JTextField();
      EconomicClasspriceJTextField.setBounds( 260, 200, 56, 21 );
      EconomicClasspriceJTextField.setText( "$125.00" );
      EconomicClasspriceJTextField.setEditable( false );
      EconomicClasspriceJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( EconomicClasspriceJTextField );
      // set up BusinessClassTotalsJTextField
      BusinessClassTotalsJTextField = new JTextField();
      BusinessClassTotalsJTextField.setBounds( 360, 160, 56, 21 );
      BusinessClassTotalsJTextField.setText( "$0.00" );
      BusinessClassTotalsJTextField.setEditable( false );
      BusinessClassTotalsJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( BusinessClassTotalsJTextField );
       // set up EconomicClassTotalsJTextField
      EconomicClassTotalsJTextField = new JTextField();
      EconomicClassTotalsJTextField.setBounds( 360, 200, 56, 21 );
      EconomicClassTotalsJTextField.setText( "$0.00" );
      EconomicClassTotalsJTextField.setEditable( false );
      EconomicClassTotalsJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( EconomicClassTotalsJTextField );
       // set up subtotalJLabel
      subtotalJLabel = new JLabel();
      subtotalJLabel.setBounds( 30, 250, 134, 21 );
      subtotalJLabel.setText( "Subtotal:" );
      panel4.add( subtotalJLabel );

      // set up subtotalJTextField
      subtotalJTextField = new JTextField();
      subtotalJTextField.setBounds( 160, 250, 56, 21 );
      subtotalJTextField.setText( "$0.00" );
      subtotalJTextField.setEditable( false );
      subtotalJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( subtotalJTextField );
      // set up vatJLabel
      vatJLabel = new JLabel();
      vatJLabel.setBounds( 30, 290, 134, 21 );
      vatJLabel.setText( "VAT 17.5%:" );
      panel4.add( vatJLabel );

      // set up vatJTextField
      vatJTextField = new JTextField();
      vatJTextField.setBounds( 160, 290, 60, 21 );
      vatJTextField.setText( "$0.00" );
      vatJTextField.setEditable( false );
      vatJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( vatJTextField );
      // set up totalJLabel
      totalJLabel = new JLabel();
      totalJLabel.setBounds( 260, 250, 134, 21 );
      totalJLabel.setText( "Total:" );
      panel4.add( totalJLabel );

      // set up totalJTextField
      totalJTextField = new JTextField();
      totalJTextField.setBounds( 360, 250, 60, 21 );
      totalJTextField.setText( "$0.00" );
      totalJTextField.setEditable( false );
      totalJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment( JTextField.CENTER );
      panel4.add( totalJTextField );
      // set up calculateJButton
      calculateJButton = new JButton();
      calculateJButton.setBounds( 335, 280, 90, 24 );
      calculateJButton.setText( "Calculate" );
      panel4.add( calculateJButton );
        new ActionListener()
        public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
                calculateJButtonActionPerformed (event);
        getContentPane().add( tabbedPane );
        setSize( 700,400 );
        setVisible( true );
   //method for enabling and disabling contents when no date is entered
    public void noDate(){
        dayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        newButton.setEnabled( true );
    //method for enabling contents
    public void dataEditable(){
        editRadio.setEnabled( true );
        searchRadio.setEnabled( true );
        deleteButton.setEnabled( true );
        deleteField.setEditable( true );
        searchButton.setEnabled( true );
        searchField.setEditable( true );
        searchField1.setEditable( true );
        editPanel.setVisible( false );
        searchPanel.setVisible( false );
        newButton.setEnabled( true );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( true );
    //method for disabling contents if there is no data
    public void noData(){
        flightComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        addButton.setEnabled( false );
        saveButton.setEnabled( false );
        deleteButton.setEnabled( false );
        FirstNameField.setEditable( false );
        LastNameField.setEditable( false );
        classComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        mealComboBox.setEnabled( false );        
        deleteField.setEditable( false );
        searchButton.setEnabled( false );
        searchField.setEditable( false );
        searchField1.setEditable( false );
        ticketButton.setEnabled( false );
        searchPanel.setVisible( false );
        editPanel.setVisible( false );
        newButton.setEnabled( true );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        editRadio.setEnabled( false );
        searchRadio.setEnabled( false );
    public void noData1(){
        flightComboBox.setEnabled( true );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        addButton.setEnabled( false );
        saveButton.setEnabled( false );
        deleteButton.setEnabled( false );
        FirstNameField.setEditable( false );
        LastNameField.setEditable( false );
        classComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        mealComboBox.setEnabled( false );        
        deleteField.setEditable( false );
        searchButton.setEnabled( false );
        searchField.setEditable( false );
        searchField1.setEditable( false );
        ticketButton.setEnabled( false );
        searchPanel.setVisible( false );
        editPanel.setVisible( false );
        newButton.setEnabled( true );
        displayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        editRadio.setEnabled( false );
        searchRadio.setEnabled( false );
    //method for selecting day and setting the flight number
    public void resetSeatCounters(){
        aisleCount = 0;
        rowCount = 1;
        businessClassAisleCount = 0;
        businessClassRowCount = 6;
    public void FlightDayChanged( ItemEvent event){
        if( ( event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED ) &&
                dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 0 ){
                addButton.setEnabled( true );
                saveButton.setEnabled( true );
                loadButton.setEnabled( true );
                FirstNameField.setEditable( true );
                LastNameField.setEditable( true );
                classComboBox.setEnabled( true );
                mealComboBox.setEnabled( true );
                //flightComboBox.setEnabled( true );
                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ){
                    if ( flightComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "MO";

                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 2 ){
                    if ( flightComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "TU";
                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 3 ){
                    if ( flightComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "WE";
                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 4 ){
                    if ( flightComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "TH";
                if( dayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 5 ){
                    if ( flightComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
                        flightNum += "1";
                        flightNum += "2";
                        flightNum += "FR";
    //method actions of JRadioButtons
    public void FlightDestinationChanged( ItemEvent event){
        if( ( event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED ) &&
                flightComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 0 ){
                 dayComboBox.setEnabled( true );
    public void EditTypeChanged( ItemEvent event){
            if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, 
                       "Please choose a valid record" + " to edit" );
                editComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
            else if( ( event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED ) &&
                editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() != 0 ){
                 if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ){
                     changeNameField.setVisible( true );
                     changeNameField.setEditable( true );
                     mealComboBox1.setVisible( false );
                 if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 2 ){
                     changeNameField.setVisible( true );
                     changeNameField.setEditable( true );
                     mealComboBox1.setVisible( false );
                 if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 3 ){
                     changeNameField.setVisible( false );
                     changeNameField.setEditable( false );
                     mealComboBox1.setVisible( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    public void DisplayTypeChanged( ItemEvent event ){
        if( ( event.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED ) ){
                 if( displayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 0 ){
                 if( displayComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ){
    public void editData(){
        if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ){
        if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 2 ){
        if( editComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 3 ){
    //method for adding customer to array List and displaying information
    private class SelectedInputRadio implements ItemListener{
        public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e){
            mainPanel.setVisible( true );
            editPanel.setVisible( false );
    private class SelectedEditRadio implements ItemListener{
        public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e){
            mainPanel.setVisible( false );
            searchPanel.setVisible( false );
            editPanel.setVisible( true );
    private class SelectedSearchRadio implements ItemListener{
        public void itemStateChanged( ItemEvent e){
            mainPanel.setVisible( false );
            searchPanel.setVisible( true );
    public void addCustomer(){
        if( count < size - 1 ){
            String name = FirstNameField.getText();
            String LastName = LastNameField.getText();
            String mealT = meal[ mealComboBox.getSelectedIndex() ];
            String classt = classS[ classComboBox.getSelectedIndex() ];
            String seatChosen = returnSeat( classComboBox.getSelectedIndex() );
            //check if data has been entered
            if ( name.equals( "" ) || LastName.equals( "" ) || mealComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 0 
                 || classComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 0 ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter in all of" + 
                " the information for this passenger" );
            else if( seatChosen.equals( "" ) )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Class Full" );
                List[ count ] = new PassengerData( name, LastName, mealT, seatChosen, classt, flightNum, 1 );
                FirstNameField.setText( "" );
                LastNameField.setText( "" );
                //create string for display
                outputManifest = ( count + 1 ) + ".  " + List[ count ].getLastName() +
                ", " + List[ count ].getFirstName() + "\t\t" + List[ count ].getMealType() + "\t" + classt +
                "\t" + List[ count ].getSeat() + "\n";
                customerArea.append( outputManifest );//display string output
        //create error message if plane is full
        if( count == ( size - 1 ) ){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The plane is full" );
            FirstNameField.setEditable( false );
            LastNameField.setEditable( false );
            mealComboBox.setEnabled( false );
            classComboBox.setEnabled( false );
            addButton.setEnabled( false );
            saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        mealComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        classComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        flightField.setText( flightNum );
        dayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        flightComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        saveButton.setEnabled( true );
    //method for initializing string flightNum
    public void ResetFlightNum(){
        flightNum = "RE-";
    public String returnSeat( int classC ){
        String seatReturn;
        int aisle = 0;
        int row = 0;
        if( classC == 1 ){
            if( aisleCount == 5 ){
                aisleCount = 1;
                if( rowCount == 6 ){
                    rowCount = 12;                    
            aisle = aisleCount;
            row = rowCount;
        else if( classC == 2){
            if( businessClassAisleCount == 5 ){
                businessClassAisleCount = 1;
                if( businessClassRowCount == 12 ){
                    rowCount = 13;                    
            aisle = businessClassAisleCount;
            row = businessClassRowCount;
        if( row == 12 || row == 13 ){
            seatReturn = "";
            seatReturn = "Row: " + row + " Seat: " + aisle;
        return seatReturn;
    //method for opening files for loading List
    public boolean OpenFile(){
        JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
        fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
        int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
        if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
            return false;
        File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
        //display error messages if any errors occur while loading the file
        if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name", 
                               "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                recordedfile = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream( fileName ) );
                return true;
            catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File", 
                                           "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
        return true;
    //method for opening the file for saving list
    public void OpenFile1(){
        JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
        fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
        fileChooser.setDialogType( JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG );
        int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
        if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
        File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
        if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name", 
                               "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                recordfile = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream( fileName ) );
            catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File", 
                                           "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
    //method for saving information
    public void SaveToFile( ActionEvent event ){
        boolean done = false;
        for( int counter = 0; counter < records; counter++ ){
            try{//save list and flight num to database
                recordfile.writeObject( List[ counter ] );
                recordfile.writeObject( flightNum );
                done = true;
            catch( IOException ioException ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error writing to file",
                                    "IO Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
        if( done ){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Records Saved!!!",
                                    "File Access", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
            saveButton.setEnabled( false );
        dayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        flightComboBox.setEnabled( false );
    //close file after loading or saving is done
    public void CloseFile(){
            System.exit( 0 );
        catch( IOException ioException ){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Closing File", "Error",
                                            JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
            System.exit( 1 );
    //method for loading information from an existing file
    public void LoadFromFile(ActionEvent event){
        boolean done = false;
        count = -1;
        while( !done ){
                List[ count ] = ( PassengerData ) recordedfile.readObject();
                flightNum = ( String ) recordedfile.readObject();
            catch( EOFException endOfFileException ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "All records loaded from file!", "End of File", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
                done = true;
            catch( ClassNotFoundException classNotFoundException ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Unable to create object!",
                                "Class Not Found", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );

            catch( IOException ioException ){
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Error during read from file!", "Read Error", 
                                JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
        addButton.setEnabled( true );
        deleteButton.setEnabled( true );
        dayComboBox.setEnabled( false );
        flightComboBox.setEnabled( false );
    //clear data when creating new list of passengers
    public void ClearData(){
        FirstNameField.setText( "" );
        LastNameField.setText( "" );
        mealComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        classComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        customerArea.setText( "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n" );
        flightField.setText( "" );
        deleteField.setText( "" );
        searchField.setText( "" );
        searchField1.setText( "" );
        dayComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
        if ( flightComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == 1 )
            flightComboBox.setSelectedIndex( 0 );
    //allow data to be entered
    public void dataEntryAllowed(){
        FirstNameField.setEditable( true );
        LastNameField.setEditable( true );
        mealComboBox.setEnabled( true );
        classComboBox.setEnabled( true );
    public void displaySeatingChart(){
        String seat;
        String output;        
        int aisle;
        int row;
        PassengerData seating[][] = new PassengerData[11][4];
        for( int rows = 0; rows < 11; rows++){
            for( int column = 0; column < 4; column++ ){
                  seating[ rows ][ column ] = new PassengerData( "", "", "", "", "", "", 0 );
        output = "\tSeat 1\tSeat 2\tSeat 3\tSeat 4\n\n";
        for( int counter = 0; counter <= count; counter++ ){
            seat = List[ counter ].getSeat();
            row = Integer.parseInt(seat.substring( 5, 6 ));
            aisle = Integer.parseInt( seat.substring( 13 , 14 ) );
            seating[row - 1][aisle - 1] = List[ counter ];
        for( int rows = 0; rows < 11; rows++){
            output += "Row " + ( rows + 1 ) + "\t  ";
            if( rows == 6)
                output += "------------Business Class-------------\nRow " + ( rows + 1 ) + "\t  ";
            for( int column = 0; column < 4; column++ ){
                if( seating[rows][column].getCheckEnter() == 0 )
                    output += "Empty Seat\t";
                    if( column == 1 ){
                        output += seating[rows][column].getLastName().toUpperCase() + ", " +
                              seating[rows][column].getFirstName().toUpperCase() + "\t";
                        output += seating[rows][column].getLastName().toUpperCase() + ", " +
                              seating[rows][column].getFirstName().toUpperCase() + "\t";
                output += "\n\n";           
        customerArea.setText( output );

    //display information when a file has been loaded
    public void displayManifest(){
       String output = "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n";
       for( int counter = 0; counter <= count; counter++ ){
            output += ( counter + 1 ) + ".  " + List[ counter ].getLastName() +
            ", " + List[ counter ].getFirstName() + "\t\t" +
            List[ counter ].getMealType() +
            "\t" + List[ counter ].getClassType() + "\t" + List[ counter ].getSeat() + "\n";
       customerArea.setText( output );
    public void displayInfo(){
        flightField.setText( flightNum );
        String output = "#  Name\t\tMeal\tClass\tSeat \n";
        customerArea.setText( output );
        for( int counter = 0; counter < count; counter++ ){
            output = ( counter + 1 ) + ".  " + List[ counter ].getLastName() +
            ", " + List[ counter ].getFirstName() + "\t\t" +
            List[ counter ].getMealType() +
            "\t" + List[ counter ].getClassType() + "\t" + List[ counter ].getSeat() + "\n";
            customerArea.append( output );
    //delete an existing record on list
    public void deleteRecord(){
        //displays error message if incorrect int or data entered
        int record = Integer.parseInt( deleteField.getText() );
        if ( record > records )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Record number " + record
            + " does not exist" );
            List[ record - 1 ] = List[ records - 1 ];
            if( records == 0 ){
                searchRadio.setEnabled( false );
                mainPanel.setVisible( true );
                editPanel.setVisible( false );
                editRadio.setEnabled( false );
                inputRadio.setSelected( true );
            saveButton.setEnabled( true );

        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //edit name at specific record
    public void editName(){
            int edit = Integer.parseInt( editField.getText() );
            if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) || edit > records  )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, 
                       "Please choose a valid record" + " to edit" );
                String name = changeNameField.getText();
                String LastName = List[ edit - 1 ].getLastName();
                String meal = List[ edit - 1 ].getMealType();
                String seat = List[ edit - 1 ].getSeat();
                String classT = List[ edit - 1 ].getClassType();
                if ( name.equals( "" ) )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, 
                       "Please enter in all of" + " the information required" );
                    List[ edit - 1 ] = 
                                    new PassengerData( name, LastName, meal, seat, classT, flightNum, 1 );
                saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //edit last name at a specific record
    public void editLastName(){
            int edit = Integer.parseInt( editField.getText() );
            if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) || edit > records )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please choose a valid record" +
                " to edit" );
                String name = List[ edit - 1 ].getFirstName();
                String LastName = changeNameField.getText();
                String meal = List[ edit - 1 ].getMealType();
                String seat = List[ edit - 1 ].getSeat();
                String classT = List[ edit - 1].getClassType();
            if ( LastName.equals( "" ) )
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter in all of" + 
                " the information required" );
                List[ edit - 1 ] = new PassengerData( name, LastName, meal, seat, classT, flightNum, 1 );
                saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException){
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //edit meal at a specific record
    public void editMeal(){
        int edit = Integer.parseInt( editField.getText() );
        if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) || edit > records )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please choose a valid record" +
            " to edit" );
        String name = List[ edit - 1 ].getFirstName();
        String LastName = List[ edit - 1 ].getLastName();
        String mealC = meal[ mealComboBox1.getSelectedIndex() ];
        String seat = List[ edit - 1 ].getSeat();
        String classT = List[ edit - 1].getClassType();
        if ( meal.equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter in all of" + 
            " the information required" );
            List[ edit - 1 ] = new PassengerData( name, LastName, mealC, seat, classT, flightNum, 1 );
            saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //edit seat number at a specific record
    public void editSeat(){
        int edit = Integer.parseInt( editField.getText() );
        if ( editField.getText().equals( "" ) || edit > records )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please choose a valid record" +
            " to edit" );
        String name = List[ edit - 1 ].getFirstName();
        String LastName = List[ edit - 1 ].getLastName();
        String meal = List[ edit - 1 ].getMealType();
        String seat = changeNameField.getText();
        String classT = List[ edit - 1].getClassType();
        if ( seat.equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter in all of" + 
            " the information required" );
            List[ edit - 1 ] = new PassengerData( name, LastName, meal, seat, classT, flightNum, 1 );
            saveButton.setEnabled( true );
        catch(NumberFormatException numberFormatException)
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                                "Please enter record number!", "Input Error", 
                                JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    //search for record
    public void searchRecord(){
        String output = "";
        String key = searchField.getText() + " " + searchField1.getText() ;
        int found = 0;
        //display an error message if information not filled in
        if( searchField.getText().equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter the First name" );
        else if ( searchField1.getText().equals( "" ) )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Please enter the Last name" );
        for( int count = 0; count <= records - 1; count++ ){
            if ( key.equals( List[ count ].getFirstName() + " " +
                List[ count ].getLastName() ) )
                found = count + 1;
        if ( found != 0 ){
            output = "\n" + found + key + List[ found - 1 ].getSeat();
            searchResultArea.append( output );
            searchCounter = found - 1;
            searchResultArea.append("\nCustomer not found");
    //compares seat entered to seat numbers on list to check if already exists
    public void checkSeat1(){
        String seat = changeNameField.getText();
        boolean found = false;
        for ( int count = 0; count < records; count ++ )
            if ( seat.equals( List[ count ].getSeat() ) )
                found = true;
        if( found == true )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "The seat entered has already" +
                    " been reserved" );
    public static void main( String args[] )
        AirBox tabbedPaneDemo = new AirBox();
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