[Davis@localhost UNS]$ gcc U_bc.c
[Davis@localhost UNS]$ ./a.out
a=d i=100 f=0.000000
[Davis@localhost UNS]$ cat U_bc.c
int main()
        union test
                char ch;
                float f;
                int i;
//union test u={'a',21,34.65}; gives a warning excess elements
union test u={100.23};
printf("a=%c i=%d f=%f\n",u.ch,u.i,u.f);

return 0;

in the above program it is interpreting the float value as char & int but float value is not getting interpreted.

initialize as

union test u;
u.f = 100.23;

initialize as

union test u;
u.f = 100.23;

i know the basic initialization of union.

my doubt is why format specifier is not able to convert it in to float value.

bcz the value stored in it is a float value.

A union initializer pertains to the first named member.

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