Hi, I am a systems engineer/administrator and therefore new to programming and wanted some help pls...
I dunno how long it would take to program, if it could be done at all, but could someone please create a small program to vnc pc’s automatically or provide me with step by step help to achieve my goal?
It would need to be able to have a configurable area to specify an IP range. For example to do a complete ip range e.g. – (We use VLANs at work)
It would be good to have a configurable VNC time (e.g. 20 secs viewing on each PC)
It would be good to have configurable timeout period (e.g. no vnc server detected in 5 secs move onto next IP)
It would be good to force the app to vnc in view only mode. (so any mouse movements don't effect the users)
Thanx very much for reading and I hope u can help!!