i've done a c program which involves creating and updating of files,i'd like to run my exe online,and moreover i want my files to be updated automatically after i work on that exe ,is there any way to do this.Plz Reply Soon.Thanks in advance.....

I have no idea what you are asking.

what do you mean by "running online"

Sounds more like something you would do in php or asp.net. Check into those.

If you are asking whether or not you can run C/C++ programs on a browser, the answer is no.

I was also wondering the same question a while ago, but sadly there is no way for a client to run your program unless they DL it.

no actually i want to run a exe file ,

i want to run the exe file via internet

Yes you can run an exe file. Simply make sure your program is portable, and find the .exe within the Debug file.

You can then upload it to the internet through various uploading sites.

Note: Many uploading sites do not support .exe, because of virus control. However, there are a few out there that can be found with a bit of searching.

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