Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm using Lisp in a Box (emacs + GC Lisp)
And i tried making a function which takes a number as argument, adds 1 to it if it's negative, and substracts 1 from it if it's positive.
(defun enlarge(x)
(if (< x 0) (- x 1) nil)
(if (> x 0) (+ x 1) nil)
Yes, i know, should have made everythin in one IF, but i wanted to have 2 separate IF's for strictly positive and strictly negative numbers (too see what happens if the user enters 0)
CL-USER> (enlarge 5)
CL-USER> (enlarge -3)
This is what i get. Why??
Thank you.
;;;Btw, is it worth learning LISP? I've started learning little bits from a book, and i've already found it to be absolutely charming !!!
(Even though i've been 'growing up' with C/C++ syntax)