Ok, this juss started happening yesterday and whenever I turn on my PC, my "Common" folder opens on the startup. Any ideas of why this is happening and how to stop it? Thanks in advance.

Check your startup files(start>run>msconfig). Click the startup tab. Is the folder listed to open at startup? If so, uncheck it and reboot.

yea i've checked it already but the file isn't listed under the start up list...any other suggestions?

i am facing the same problem

go into the start menu and check the Startup folder

go into folder options and make sure that its not set to remember which wi ndows were open at logoff

Did you happen to have/download AOL Explorer browser then later uninstall it? That can cause this very issue.

To get rid of the Common folder, click on START > MY COMPUTER > Local Disc [C:] > Program Files

If you have Windows XP, it may tell you that the files in this directory are hidden. Click on the link provided on that page to reveal the files. The next screen will show you a group of yellow folders. In the list, click on the COMMON folder. And I stress - it will ONLY say COMMON. (NOT COMMON FILES - which is the folder sitting right next to it, so be double sure you have the right one before you go any further!!!)

Take the COMMON folder and open it to make sure there is nothing important inside. All this folder should have in it - if anything at all - is a help.dll file and help.src file. These are remnants of AOL Explorer, or whatever file you uninstalled. If these are the ONLY files inside this folder, close the folder, take the ENTIRE Common folder and drag it to your recycle bin.

Restart your computer, and the common file on startup issue should be gone.

***Again, a word of precaution to cover my donkey, DO NOT delete the Common Files folder! That is a different folder entirely, one you need! The one you're looking for simply says Common.

Best wishes,

Did you happen to have/download AOL Explorer browser then later uninstall it? That can cause this very issue.

To get rid of the Common folder, click on START > MY COMPUTER > Local Disc [C:] > Program Files

If you have Windows XP, it may tell you that the files in this directory are hidden. Click on the link provided on that page to reveal the files. The next screen will show you a group of yellow folders. In the list, click on the COMMON folder. And I stress - it will ONLY say COMMON. (NOT COMMON FILES - which is the folder sitting right next to it, so be double sure you have the right one before you go any further!!!)

Take the COMMON folder and open it to make sure there is nothing important inside. All this folder should have in it - if anything at all - is a help.dll file and help.src file. These are remnants of AOL Explorer, or whatever file you uninstalled. If these are the ONLY files inside this folder, close the folder, take the ENTIRE Common folder and drag it to your recycle bin.

Restart your computer, and the common file on startup issue should be gone.

***Again, a word of precaution to cover my donkey, DO NOT delete the Common Files folder! That is a different folder entirely, one you need! The one you're looking for simply says Common.

Best wishes,

This advice worked like a charm and I am forever grateful. My "COMMON" folder was empty but I still deleted it and my problem seems to be gone.
Thanks a million

Kitty your a Genius!!! I also had complete success!!!

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